London Calling.

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Andy Richards
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London Calling.

Post by Andy Richards »

The weather in London for the last few days has been like summer.Clear blue skies,sunshine and 18 degrees.21 degrees today and no wind.Very nice.
Just like the conditions on the radio.........very nice!!
Where do I start?
Lots of stations heard.
LHH,PBI & Mystery all on for very long periods and all with good signals.Mystery VERY strong but on a poor frequency.PBI did better with a clearer channel but Laser have got the best frequency of all.Nice and clear even when they are not that strong.
VOTN normally manages good signals and good music too but he excelled himself this weekend.With an enormous signal on 6210 on Saturday,I was surprised he was not stronger on 3910.Loved the "Gothic" style music though!
Radio Altrex kept 6250 warm all weekend.This guy does really well for the gear he uses.Actually got quite strong just before he closed down.
As I posted before,I reckon the station testing on 6400 on Saturday was WMR.I hope it was,because the signal was superb.If anyone
out there can say who it was I'm sure we would all be interested............
Radio Geronimo came in with a good signal with me too.Tuned in and heard German band Accept doing their wonderfully titled song;"Balls to the Wall".
A bit of a clash between Premier Radio Int on the West coast of Ireland and Radio Dr.Tim from Germany on 6265.I don't think Premier was aware that they were both on the same frequency but luckily Dr.Tim's network of friends/listeners must have informed him of the problem and so he moved to 6280.
I like both stations.The presenter on Premier is very good and has a good voice and Dr.Tim is always interesting.
Another presenter with a good voice is Radio Brandaris Int.He was on for quite a long time on 6305 today and seemed to be getting good reports from the UK and elsewhere.
Radio Paadenkracht deserves a mention.A regular broadcaster with good signals.His mod was a bit "tinny"(All treble and no bass) when I tuned in today but he seemed to make some adjustments and it was soon fine.Is it me or is his English getting better?
Nice to hear Radio Spaceman back on 3940,great programme,with a nice mix of music,help from Delmare & Boomerang.It is very rare to hear a stronger Pirate than Spaceman,but who the hell was on 3930 on Saturday night?Just a touch stronger than Spaceman here.I thought it had to be Boomerang,but he was in the studio with Major Tom!Who was it?The only other log of this station that I have seen so far was from a blogger in Poland.(He got him strong too).I think this was the station on 3905 tonight too.
Strongest signals of the weekend were Spaceman,Optimod and my UNID on 3930 and 3905.
VOTN was a close second and at times Mystery was just
behind VOTN.After that it was Orion,Geronimo,Brandaris & Bogusman.

Friday 10/10/08

5820Khz - 2220-2225 - Playback Radio Int - 45434 - The Animals,The Eagles - Best signal ever.

Saturday 11/10/08

3910Khz - 1835-1840 - VOTN - 45423 - "Gothic" music.Very good.
3930Khz - 1905-1910 - UNID - 55434 - Scorpions,Soft Cell.Also logged in Poland.
3940Khz - 1840-1845 - Radio Spaceman - 55434 - Mix of music.With Delmare & Boomerang.
4025Khz - 0844-0849 - Laser Hot Hits - 35444 - Mamas & the Papas.
5820Khz - 2235-2240 - Playback Radio Int - 45334 - International music.Live programme.
6210Khz - 0849-0854 - VOTN - 54434 - Pop ballads.REO Speedwagon.
6220Khz - 2205-2210 - Mystery Radio - 52333 - Disco music.
6220Khz - 2240-2245 - Mystery Radio - 54444 - Instrumental - Cha Cha Cha.
6250Khz - 0904-0909 - Radio Altrex - 34333 - "Girls just wanna have fun","Bye,bye baby".
6250Khz - 1028-1033 - Radio Altrex - 34333 - "Let's work together".
6310Khz - 0854-0859 - Grenstad Radio - 35433 - Billy Idol,Dutch Music.
6400Khz - 1155-1200 - UNID - 45434 - Kid Kreole,Carole King.
6400Khz - 1155-1200 - UNID - 55434 - Asia,Rush.55444 at 1350.

Sunday 12/10/08

3905Khz - 1917-1922 - UNID - 44333 - "Chirpy,chirpy,cheep cheep","Return to sender",
"Nights in white satin",Dutch song.Broad range of music!!!
3905Khz - 2035-2040 - UNID - 54444 - Simon & Garfunkel,Dutch song,later;Toto,U2,Men at
Work.Off suddenly at 2100.
3930Khz - 1908-1913 - The Bogusman - 45444 - 80's/90's Rock & chat.
4025Khz - 0715-0720 - Laser Hot Hits - 35434 - Michael Jackson.
5805Khz - 0726-0731 - Orion Radio - 44444 - Johnny Logan.Closed at 0829.
5820Khz - 0721-0726 - Playback Radio Int - 34433 - Steve Miller,Culture Club.
6205Khz - 0932-0937 - Radio Geronimo - 45434 - Accept,Warren Zevon.
6220Khz - 0731-0736 - Mystery Radio - 44434 - Disco music.
6250Khz - 0917-0923 - Radio Altrex - 23322 - "Where do you go to my lovely?".
6250Khz - 0947-0952 - Radio Altrex - 35444 - "Alright Now".Closed at 0952.
6260Khz - 1225-1230 - UNID - 33333 - Pop music.Toppy mod.Sonar Radio?
6265Khz - 0810-0815 - Premier radio Int - 32332 - Axel F."From the West coast of Ireland".
6265Khz - 0810-0815 - Radio Dr.Tim - 32332 - "We are changing frequency".
6265Khz - 0818-0823 - Premier Radio Int - 33333 - Radio Dr.Tim had moved by now.
6280Khz - 0823-0828 - Radio Dr.Tim - 33232 - Sirens,Power ballads.
6300Khz - 1230-1235 - Radio Optimod - 55434 - Electronic music.Off at 1250.
6305Khz - 0736-0741 - Radio Brandaris Int - 33333 - Instrumental music,Guns'n'Roses.
6305Khz - 1155-1200 - Radio Brandaris Int - 45434 - Dutch music.
6400Khz - 1107-1112 - UNID - 35333 - Dutch music.
6310Khz - 0902-0907 - Radio Paadenkracht - 34444 - Shadows?Wings.Mod was very toppy at first,improved
during "Reggae" tune.

Andy Richards.
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Post by Altrex »

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your logs, you did hear a lot of stations again...!!

Your reports are allways much appreciated...!!

best regards,

Radio Altrex
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Post by JoJo »

Hello Andy, thanks for the log, much appreciated. Always nice to read your logs.
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