fire up their rigs in light of the Westcoast raid.
More German stations heard than normal though.Was this because
less Dutch stations were on or was it that I could hear them because they weren't on.Was this a
busy weekend for German Pirates or normal?
Were RNI really coming from Switzerland?Or was it Germany?
And was this a Pirate or legal broadcast?Certainly the deep fading indicates a good distance from
my QTH.
Was my UNID on 6400 WMR testing on Saturday afternoon?They had a rock solid signal on
Sunday morning till 1200 then still strong but with deep fading till 1400.Went out after that so I don't
know when they faded out,certainly on my return in the early evening they were inaudible.
Many questions this week!Do any of you have any answers?
The logs;
Saturday 03/11/07
3910Khz - 1923-1928 - WMR - 35333 - Andy Walker playing "Du hast mich" by Rammstein & The
Dandy Warhols.
3925Khz - 2135-2140 - Radio Likedeeler - 35333 - "Mama we're all crazy now".
3940Khz - 1604-1609 - Radio Underground - 34443 - News of the Westcoast raid.
6255Khz - 2256-2300 - KBC - 55434.
6275Khz - 1108-1113 - LHH - 35434 - The Rainbow Programme.
6280Khz - 1546-1551 - Zender Black Power? - 44434 - Varied unknown music.
6400Khz - 1458-1503 - UNID - 44434 - Playing;"Chaka Khan","Move on up","Solid","Eye of the tiger"
&"Won't get fooled again" on a loop.Was this WMR testing?
Sunday 04/11/07
5805Khz - 1125-1130 - Radio Telstar South - 35444 - "Half way to paradise" - Billy Fury.
6205Khz - 0955-1000 - RNI Worldwide - 33333-45444 - Very deep fading.Strong on the peaks.
6205Khz - 1325-1330 - UNID - 34333 - "All the young dudes" - German.(RNI again?).
6220Khz - 1010-1015 - Mystery Radio - 34333.
6250Khz - 1115-1120 - Crazy Wave Radio - 34333.
6260Khz - 1138-1140 - UNID - 35433 - Rock music.
6265Khz - 1020-1025 - Premier Radio? - 23333 - "Long train runnin" - Doobie Bros.
6270Khz - 1015-1020 - Radio Halloween - 33333 - Mentioned Westcoast raid.
6280Khz - 1337-1340 - Zender Black Power? - 45434 - "A walk in the park","Daddy Kool"& a
short clip of a Polish song.
6295Khz - 1000-1005 - Radio North Pole - 44334 - Non stop oldies.
6300Khz - 1150-1155 - UNID - 34323 - Traditional Dutch or German tunes.
6305Khz - 1105-1110 - Radio Underground - 32332 - Jammed by idiot playing techno.
6325Khz - 0940-0943 - Radio Alice - 45444 - In QSO with Zulu Kilo & Sallandse Boer?
6325Khz - 0943-0945 - Sallandse Boer? - 45444 - In QSO.
6325Khz - 0945-0948 - Zender Zulu Kilo - 25232 - In QSO.
6325Khz - 1240-1245 - UNID - 34433 - German & Dutch music.
6400Khz - 0930-0935 - WMR - 45444 - Jack Playing ZZ Top & AC/DC & talking about MW DXing.
Andy Richards.
I Like free radio,not raids