A little earlier this evening I caught a signal on 3927 around 2335 UTC. I'm sure it was a pirate but the signal was too weak and of course there were Hams right on the top of the freq. Any idea who this would be?????
Just now I see on UK DXers blog that our friend R. Quintus was there around 2030 UTC. Was he still there a couple hours later??
Thanks for your help.
3927 14 September 2007 Who???
Moderator: Moderators group
- Dave Valko
- Hardcore Gold Piratear
- Posts: 246
- Joined: Sun Jul 30, 2006 13:12 pm
- Location: Dunlo, PA, USA
3927 14 September 2007 Who???
Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
Quintus 3927
Hi Dave,
yes, I heard QUINTUS at around 00.00 UTC. So they were on air for several hours, saw also the early log on shortwave dx..
Conditions get now better also here in Europe, so maybe also chances for my 20 Watt tx to cross the Atlantic with my signal.
DJ Dipol
yes, I heard QUINTUS at around 00.00 UTC. So they were on air for several hours, saw also the early log on shortwave dx..
Conditions get now better also here in Europe, so maybe also chances for my 20 Watt tx to cross the Atlantic with my signal.
DJ Dipol
mit DJ Dipol
stronger signals with better programs
-Piratenfrühstück und Bermuda DX-Magazin-
mit DJ Dipol
stronger signals with better programs
-Piratenfrühstück und Bermuda DX-Magazin-