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by Dave Valko
Mon Nov 07, 2016 18:24 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Recent Pirate Loggings
Replies: 0
Views: 7627

Recent Pirate Loggings

An e-QSL came in from FRSH for 21 August reception.  (4 Nov.) Got a nice e-QSL from R. Enterprise (Europirate) for my 31 Oct. Halloween reception on a Youtube video I posted.   (5 Nov.) 6 November 2016 Micro-DXpedition: RX:  Perseus SDR ANT:  313' Beverage (BOG) aimed at 60°. Duration:  0635-0905 UT...
by Dave Valko
Wed Sep 30, 2015 22:15 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Question
Replies: 0
Views: 9243


(I know this shouldn't be listed here in the loggings, but I thought it would get the most viewings. Sorry) Jerry Berg in MA, USA is doing a project on European Pirates for the North American Shortwave Association (NASWA) and asked me for help. He would like a list of Pirates and the counties they a...
by Dave Valko
Thu Oct 09, 2014 14:03 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Loggings and Video Links from 4-5 October 2014
Replies: 0
Views: 6760

Loggings and Video Links from 4-5 October 2014

Was finally able to hear enough stations to make a report worthwhile!! Included in the loggings below are links to videos made of the particular reception. 21455.091 R. Sluwe Voz Carrier and tone around 1251. "Beat It" by Michael Jackson at 1253 w/anmnt mentioning he was closing down. Shou...
by Dave Valko
Wed Aug 06, 2014 23:07 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Videos
Replies: 0
Views: 6942


Hi all!! Not exactly loggings but maybe something of interest. Its been a long time since I've posted any loggings here. I haven't been able to listen as activiely as I'd like for a number of different reasons. I'll spare you the details. Anyway, I have been listening for an hour or so some Saturday...
by Dave Valko
Tue Jan 01, 2013 16:24 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Unidentifieds Help!!
Replies: 0
Views: 5182

Unidentifieds Help!!

Hello all and Happy New Year!! Its been some time since I last posted due to a number of reasons. Anyway, I had a few stations on New Years Eve which I need some help on. If anyone knows who these stations were, please drop me a line. 6284.99 Probably R. Osaka Signal here at 2147. Poss. mx. Finally ...
by Dave Valko
Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:41 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: R.T.I??
Replies: 0
Views: 4053


Anyone know if R. Titanic Int. will be on the air for the anniversary Sunday morning???
by Dave Valko
Sun Feb 05, 2012 16:24 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: 4-5 February Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 1
Views: 7074

4-5 February Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA

6305 R. TRX Found good signal w/mx here at 2327. Playing oldies and Blues songs this evening. Seems to have a pretty good mx collection. Multiple canned IDs at 2348. Faded since t/in. Finally stopped the mx and went off at 0030:28. Fairly good of course. Heard at home. (4 Feb.) 5 February 2012: Cond...
by Dave Valko
Sat Feb 04, 2012 16:00 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: 29 January 2012 Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 1
Views: 5746

29 January 2012 Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA

29 JANUARY 2012: Had a hard time deciding whether to go out to listen or not. Conditions didn’t seem very good. Only 4015 LHH had any audio and that was barely coming through. But there was a strong OC on 6205 which I thought might be someone coming on. And since I haven’t gone out to listen in a fe...
by Dave Valko
Thu Jan 26, 2012 23:12 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Loggings from January (so far) from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 3
Views: 8645

Loggings from January (so far) from Dunlo, PA, USA

Before I get to the loggings, I want to apologize for these being a little late. I've been so busy trying to catch up on everything, I just haven't had the time to post any loggings. When I bought the Perseus, I knew finding time to listen to all the signals would be a problem. And it is!!! It takes...
by Dave Valko
Tue Dec 27, 2011 00:50 am
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: 25-26 Dec. 2011 loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 4
Views: 8172

25-26 Dec. 2011 loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA

25 December 2011: Nothing on 6970 LHH and a bit of audio on 4015 on check of the bands when I awoke. A slight carrier on 6205, but was probably nothing. Fair conditions at best and very fady. The X-ray Flux jumped 2/3 way up into the "C" level at 0900. Large 7 mhz MUF area east of Iceland...
by Dave Valko
Sat Dec 24, 2011 13:54 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Replies: 5
Views: 13232


I know this is supposed to be for Loggings, but I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!

Peace & Joy
by Dave Valko
Fri Dec 23, 2011 19:55 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: 18 Dec. 2011 loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 0
Views: 4033

18 Dec. 2011 loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA

Finally felt good enough (not quite as sick as I have been, relatively speaking) to maybe try a Europirate micro-DXpedition to the SGLs and got up at the usual time of 0600. Checking out the bands, found 6970 LHH with almost no audio, 4015 LHH was a little stronger and almost readable, but nothing o...
by Dave Valko
Sun Dec 11, 2011 21:36 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Weekend Report, 10-11 Dec. 2011, from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 3
Views: 7120

Weekend Report, 10-11 Dec. 2011, from Dunlo, PA, USA

3924.9 R. Sallendse Boer 0017 signal here. Couldn’t get any audio. ID per Iann's chat. (10 Dec.) 3905.09 Skyline Int. 0017 Signal here as well. Actually weaker than Sallendse Boer and covered by Hams. (10 Dec.) 15085.07 R. Trans Europe Short text xmsn. Mx right a recognizeability threshold at 1238. ...
by Dave Valko
Sun Nov 27, 2011 21:17 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: 25-27 Nov. 2011 Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA
Replies: 2
Views: 5501

25-27 Nov. 2011 Loggings from Dunlo, PA, USA

15090 USB Fox 48 Canned repeating IDs w/e-mail by M at 1244:45, and canned e-mail anmnt at 1246:40. Again 1249:30. Gone at 1256. Weak and fady. Best at t/in. Just a short test when I got on Ianns chat. Mike said 100 watts + (25 Nov.) 15008.05 R. Trans Europe On as early as 1253. Getting some mx at 1...
by Dave Valko
Wed Nov 16, 2011 23:15 pm
Forum: Piratelogs Shortwave (kortegolf)
Topic: Logs 23 Oct. - 13 Nov., from Dunlo, PA, USA (LARGE REPORT!!)
Replies: 3
Views: 6378

Logs 23 Oct. - 13 Nov., from Dunlo, PA, USA (LARGE REPORT!!)

First of all, I have to apologize for this report being so LARGE!! As I haven't been able to get caught up until now (well, caught up for the most part anyway!!), I wasn't able to send out any regular reports. The following loggings are in date order except those on micro-DXpeditions to the SGLs rem...