This early evening I could receive here near Czech-German-Polish border the following Pirates (all times in CET/ frequencies are approximately, because no using of a PLL-receiver):
- "Radio Orban", 19.27hrs, appr. 1650kcs, SINPO: 44444
(reports for OLdtimer,Schaduwjager,Meteor etc.,then RNI-song)
- "Radio Carolina", 19.29hrs, appr. 1660kcs, SINPO: 4-5,5444-5 (strong)
(reports for Oldtimer,Schaduwjager etc., then dutch music)
- "Zender Schaduwjager", 19.53hrs, appr. 1650kcs, SINPO:55444-5(strong)
(reports for Corona,Zender Tambur,Zender Zonnestern,Amigo,Orban etc.)
- UNID, 19.35hrs-20.00hrs, appr. 1635kcs
(starting with electronic pop-music, followed by non-stop dutch music/
no ID till 20hrs)
Receiver: Senator Multiband DeLuxe with a 20m-longwire-antenna.
Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.
Mediumwave logs, 21.11.09 evening near German-Czech-P.border
Moderator: Moderators group