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SRE Testing tonight

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 19:54 pm
by Sonnet Radio Europe
SRE Testing tonight from 22:00 BST (2100 GMT) on 48m probably on either of these frequencies depending on conditions:

6295, 6300, 6325 or 6200

appreciate any reports.


Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 21:48 pm
by avranesjr
Small carrier around 6325.2, but still early here, only 1748 local time. Better here for 48-mb after 2300 UTC.


Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 21:57 pm
by Sonnet Radio Europe
avranesjr wrote:Small carrier around 6325.2, but still early here, only 1748 local time. Better here for 48-mb after 2300 UTC.

Thanks Alex, on 6310 right now for 10 mins, then back at 0500 BST



Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:04 pm
by avranesjr
OK, I have a carrier around 6309, but splash from the Sahara station on 6300. A little bit of music poking through from you now at 2202 UTC, thought I heard a voice say something like "Sonnet Radio AM," then back into dance music. Splash from Radio Nacional SADR on 6300 making it difficult, though.


Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:19 pm
by Sonnet Radio Europe
avranesjr wrote:OK, I have a carrier around 6309, but splash from the Sahara station on 6300. A little bit of music poking through from you now at 2202 UTC, thought I heard a voice say something like "Sonnet Radio AM," then back into dance music. Splash from Radio Nacional SADR on 6300 making it difficult, though.

Thanks Alex, hopefully if you are around, it'll come in a little better later, many thanks SRE

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:23 pm
by Johnno
Supertramp at 23.15
Reasonable signal,s5 peaks, but a lot of interference. Lot of static crashes too.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:24 pm
by avranesjr
Still hearing a little something but the Sahara station, even though only 10-kilowatts, always puts in a good signal here. They will be off if you come back at 0400 UTC, though. That is only midnight local time, here, so I will still be up. Thanx!


Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:27 pm
by avranesjr
Hey, Johnno, long time! (I was sick most of April with a bad, and painful, kidney infection, though). I'll be back on Iann's chat in a couple of minutes, after I refill my Bacardi and Dr. Pepper.


Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 22:59 pm
by Johnno
Hey man, you take care of yourself. Sorry to hear about the infection..
I haven't been in Ianns much recently but I noticed your absence though.

Mmmm Barcardi and Dr Pepper.....haven't tried that yet :)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 23:07 pm
by Sonnet Radio Europe
Thanks again for trying guys. Looks like my signal got in well to Germany as I've had two reports tonight, one from nr Munchen.

Barcardi & Dr Pepper, now there's a deceptive drink! :lol:

Off to bed for an early start.

Thanks Guys, appreciate you trying.


Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 03:37 am
by avranesjr
Yeah, the Dr. Pepper is a little different from the usual Cola mixed with Rum. Didn't know if anyone in Europe knew about Dr. Pepper or not.
I was on Iann's chat a few hours ago, and Dr. Tim mentioned he heard you and got a nice reply. I'll send a report for the earlier reception, and will be listening in another half-hour or so for the next broadcast!

'from the mountains of West Virginia'