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6553.5 Audible in New York

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 21:23 pm
by curious george
Was listening to a station playing some polka around 6554 at 2120 on a UK web receiver. Not only was I able to detect a carrier on 6553.5 on my own radio in New York, but I also hear the music, but it's very weak.

Any ideas who is on the air right now? (13 Nov, 2008)



Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 22:27 pm
by iann1971
Hello Georges,

the station was Galaxy Radio, from Poland, a new station testing since one week on this frequency.


Thanks Iann

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 22:36 pm
by curious george
Thanks for the ID Iann. It is encouraging to be ablel to hear a station so far away, especially considering that is is raining here. I didn't hear enough details for a report this time, but with better conditions, and lower noise levels, it will be possible.