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Orion Radio on air information

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 05:09 am
by JoJo

Orion Radio on air Sunday morning, september 11th. 48 meter between 6250kc and 6350kc. Start 0700utc. And Monday evening; 1730utc, 52 meter at 5715kc

Reception reports are welcome at or sms 0031-653891391

Me toooo

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 05:13 am
by alfred
Hey,,, how are yea,, :veryhi we are on aswell right now, 6265 ,, a USA Test :ahowy:
:D Alfred

re on air

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 06:35 am
by JoJo
Hello Alfred,

STill on air at 0830LT? No signal here, Or are you beamd? Or no short skip.

Good luck

Re: re on air

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 06:48 am
by alfred
JoJo wrote:Hello Alfred,

STill on air at 0830LT? No signal here, Or are you beamd? Or no short skip.

Good luck
Yes, we still are,, saw also huge noise flour here before we started, but going to close down now..

Re: Orion Radio on air information

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:11 am
by Robin Banneville
Hi John (and Alfred),
I just about heard your transmission on this morning 6310 kHz. I had been
listening intermittently to Alfa Lima on 6265 kHz (who was audible, but a
bit noisy and also fading), so after he shut down at about 07.08 I tuned up
to see if I could find your regular tx. Your signal was also weak and fading
badly, but I could at least receive you. I believe that other stations were
also having difficulty, so it would seem that conditions are very poor at
the moment...

Whilst you were playing Mark Knopfler, your sinpo was just : 13222. Because
you were fading in and out so much your sinpo was variable, sometimes you
were lost in the noise and other times not so bad. Let's hope conditions
improve for your "birthday" tx, but due to high solar activity, it would
appear that conditions are not set to get much better soon :-(

BTW... Thanks for your E-card last week, although I havn't got "MS Word" I
was able to transfer it to anothr PC which was able to open it.

73's for now John, and I hope your Birthday tx proves to be a success.
Guernsey (Channel Islands)

re receptions

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:15 am
by JoJo
Hello Robin,

Thanks anyway. Indeed bad conditions, I didn't copy Alfa lima on 6265kc! So no short skip, Outside the Netherlands most was terible.

@Alfred, Good you still have your transmitter :wink:

orion and conditions

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 19:22 pm
by silentkey radio
John - nice transmission tonight on 52m S7 to S9+10 on the Lowe irregular shallow fading and surprisingly little in the way of atmospheric noise.

Everybody, Sunday was dreadful, on 48 not the worst conditions ever, but certainly up there in the top ten. Could hear alpha lima but only S2 to S3!

Strangely enough, although i rarely listen up there, there have been some amazing openings on 27 megs in the early afternoons. Probably not long enough skip for sporadic e, possibly trophosperic ducting (???) was listening to a maritime mobile portugese station in the atlantic on a yacht at 30dB over S9 on a decidedly deaf receiver on 27megs FM!

So there is stuff going on it's just a bit more difficult at the moment.

re reception.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 17:48 pm
by JoJo
Hello Silentky,

thanks for the reception report, Send QSL card later, have to fix one first.