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Westcoast Finland log, 29 & 30 January

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 19:30 pm
by Jan II
Hello folks!

When I saw these logs from Central Europe I was wondering what planet am I living on? My station-list looks completely different. But then I noticed that we have Sonic Radio in common, so Europe is out there somewhere, perhaps not so far away after all...

I was concentrating on this test to Japan both days, meaning 08.00-09.00 and 21.00-22.00 both days. It didn´t start so well. Too many dark bavarian lagers (Weltenburger Kloster Barock Dunkel) on Friday evening made me sleep well, and of course I overslept and got to the radio at 0815. Mostly noice in 48 mb but luckily the higher bands with the testing stations were clear.
I am half-satisfied with the stations that I heard. Strange that WR Int. on 12257 was zero, usually at least a weak signal comes through here. The big goal for me this weekend was the american Channel Z on 11428,3 kHz, but no signal. I was digging both evenings but no sound, no carrier. As they say -you can´t have them all -now I am still waiting for my first American free radio...

Saturday 29 January

6305,3 0815 Sonic Radio with Vaya con Dios singing "Nah neh nah" when I swiched on the radio. 25232
6310,3 0830 Radio Spaceshuttle with an increasing signal. 25322 now, one hour later it was 35433
12264 1104 Radio Spaceshuttle announced the mail-address. First time I heard Spacy on this high frequency. 15421
14350 0852 Baltic Sea Radio weak but clear in USB. I lost the signal completely 0855, sign off? Reached Japan with this transmission and was heard by many!!! 15442
14374,7 0915 Shoreline Radio signed off at this hour. Strong and good reception on a free frequency. 35533
15009 0839 Old Time Radio (tent) was very weak but fragments of music came through. No chance for any ID. 15521 in the tops.
15090 1052 Radio Scotland Int. with an enormous signal, S 9+10. Hardrock and sign off without any announcement 1057. Albert (verified) was testing the equipment here before the eveningbroadcast. R.S.I. was on the air the scheduled time 21-22, but no one seems to have heard him then. Strongest signal this weekend. 55544

Sunday 30 January

6220,6 1001 Radio Spaceshuttle with rock'n'roll. Best reception from him here this weekend. 45444
6266 0918 unid playing Rainbow "All night long". Signed off abruptly 0920. Rick heard Spaceshuttle on this fq one hour before this, maybe them... 45444
6300 0921 Radio Sextant entertained me with "Tule tyttö uimaan" by the finnish superstars Bat & Ryyd. USB and 35333
6305,2 0755 Sonic Radio also this morning on the air. A row of Bob Marleys, armchair listening and a morning cup of coffee five minutes before the Japan-test. I love this life :D 35433
14350 0815 Baltic Sea Radio also this morning weak and clear in USB. Heard them with "Whiter shade of pale" both days. Sometimes a little problem with hams(?) on 14347. 13542
15009 0844 Old Time Radio (tent) a little weaker than on Saturday, but faded up now with "We love the pirate stations". 15521
15052 0846 Radio Scotland Int. with the already legendary broadcast that made Albert a famous DJ in Japan. "This town ain´t big enough for the both of us" started this time. C/d at 0911. 45544
15068,4 0900 Free Radio Nova made a successful transmission. Excellent result with only 35 watts. Also interesting choise of music, big band-stuff with Count Basie... Signed off soon after this. 34543
15075 0858 Cupid Radio crystal clear and strong. I belive they had heard Cupid too in Japan if he had been in the test-schedule. Best/Perfect sound this weekend! 45544

Receiver: NRD 525G
Antenna: outdoor wire, 20 metres long (partly under the snow)

Credits to Harri in SW Finland for arranging this Japan-test. There is a lot in info about this event on Harri´s webpage, a link to this page can be found in Andy Richard´s weekend-log. Also big thanks to the participating stations. There might be an other test in spring. Then I will hear Channel Z and WRI!



Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 18:32 pm
by Caroline
Hi Jan,

hope, we are living on the same planet, haha!!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

But we are sure that you are also living in Europe... :wink: :wink:
Nice and interesting logs of you, thanks!

Radio Caroline International.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 20:57 pm
by R Spaceshuttle
Many thanks for listening our 48 mb and specially our new 12265 kHz transmission,

Best greetings,


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 16:31 pm
by freeradionova
Thanks for the logs Jan! The music I aired was early jazz from the 1910's till 1945. Hope you enjoyed it!
