MW LOGS,09-08 evening near CZ-PL-D border
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 09:53 am
yesterday evening of 09-08-2010 we could receive here near
Czech-German-Polish border the following Dutch stations on
the mediumwaves (All times in UTC!!!) :
- R.NOORDZEE, 1633kcs, 22.02hrs, SINPO 45434
- ZENDER CORONA, 1655kcs, 22.04hrs, SINPO 44434
- ZENDER JAMES BOND, 1655kcs, 22.06hrs, SINPO 45444
- VROOLIJKE MIJNWERKER, 1645kcs, 22.10hrs, SINPO 45444
- ZENDER BARCELONA, 1645kcs, 22.12hrs, SINPO 45434
- ZENDER DOLMARE, 1636kcs, 22.16hrs, SINPO 3-4,5434
- ZENDER CONCORDIA, 1645kcs, 22.24hrs, SINPO 4-5,5434
- MONTE CARLO RADIO, 1645kcs, 22.27hrs, SINPO 45444
Most of these stations were trnasmitting only a few minutes and gave
receptions-reports to each other! Good reception on the mediumwaves
here yesterday late evening and very buisy there!!!
Receiver: K-PO WR2100 with a 20m-longwire-antenna.
Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.
yesterday evening of 09-08-2010 we could receive here near
Czech-German-Polish border the following Dutch stations on
the mediumwaves (All times in UTC!!!) :
- R.NOORDZEE, 1633kcs, 22.02hrs, SINPO 45434
- ZENDER CORONA, 1655kcs, 22.04hrs, SINPO 44434
- ZENDER JAMES BOND, 1655kcs, 22.06hrs, SINPO 45444
- VROOLIJKE MIJNWERKER, 1645kcs, 22.10hrs, SINPO 45444
- ZENDER BARCELONA, 1645kcs, 22.12hrs, SINPO 45434
- ZENDER DOLMARE, 1636kcs, 22.16hrs, SINPO 3-4,5434
- ZENDER CONCORDIA, 1645kcs, 22.24hrs, SINPO 4-5,5434
- MONTE CARLO RADIO, 1645kcs, 22.27hrs, SINPO 45444
Most of these stations were trnasmitting only a few minutes and gave
receptions-reports to each other! Good reception on the mediumwaves
here yesterday late evening and very buisy there!!!
Receiver: K-PO WR2100 with a 20m-longwire-antenna.
Best wishes,
Radio Caroline International.