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HUGE report from Dunlo, PA, USA, 6-7 March 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 00:58 am
by Dave Valko
Took a lot of detail this time, so the report is quite large!! A lot of stations on the air too!! I'll start off with some loggings at home from Saturday night...

6210 R. Borderhunter 2228 instru. Dance mx at t/in, then anmnt w/ment of switching to “another antenna systemâ€

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 01:43 am
by Glowbug
Some rockin' reports this week/end!


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 14:59 pm
by newfoundland dxer
Congrats Dave. That is an amazing numer of stations. Glad to see you had good conditions down there.

Reading your logs is almost enough to tempt me to get one of those Perseus receivers. The amount of detail that you get, compared to my "dial-and-hunt" method, is just incredible. It is certainly ideal for Sunday mornings, when so many stations are on at the same time.

Cheers, Terry

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 13:15 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hi Dave,

Thanks for such a detailed log !

Of course, there is a typo : Borderhunter was on 6210, not 6220.



Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 13:17 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hi Terry,

Thanks for replying about the US station I heard on Monday (other thread).

I saw you are thinking about a Perseus. You should look also about two other DSP receivers for PCs with direct conversion from (wide) RF to digital :


- EXCALIBUR (new from WinRadio)

The Excalibur will have 3 independant "radios" in one (3 bands recorded at once), and the QS1R seems to have already 2 or 4 receivers in one. An other one is the SDR-IQ from RFSpace, but it is less sensitive, and limited to a 190 kHz band at once (some DXers are using several SDR-IQ at once on a single PC, but the real strength of the SDR-IQ is portability).

Probably you should add the price of a dedicated PC, preferably a powerful one with a quad core processor and lots of gigabytes.

I foresee one more problem in order to record wide chunks of spectrum : the receiving antenna should give good and noise free signals on every band at once, without any knob twiddling.

Well, maybe there is a less expensive way to get better results : look for directional antennas (but not many are wideband and compact).


Ray (still on noise and antenna problems)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 21:21 pm
by Jan II
Hoi Dave!

What a log :shock:
Great work, you must have put many hours on this!!!

My antenna is under tons of snow now - have been so since beginning of January. Perfectly grounded and with 0 signals. :wink:
But I can see the spring comming, only -14 Celsius today... Not far away from 0 and after that I will, hopefully, find the antennawire again and produce some kind of log.

Keep up this good work if you find the time. I am impressed!



Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 15:37 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hi again Dave,

Where do you find the Klaus Fuchs logs?

(I tried with Google and was flooded with spy stories).
