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Westcoast Finland log, 1-3 January

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 22:20 pm
by Jan II
Hello again!

Some loggings.

Friday 1 January

3931,7 1718 The Bogusman was reading a poem before playing Tori Amos' beautiful "Winter". The programme ended 1739 after Pink Floyd's "Comfortalby numb" but the carrier was still on at 1800. 35323
4025 1758 Laser Hot Hits playing popmusic. 25322
5815 0934 Orion Radio with the superhit "Televisie polka" followed by two different song about Dr Tim, also big hits(?) Great reception! 45544!
6210,2 0944 Misti Radio playing some steelguitarmusic. 35433
6220 1048 Mystery Radio with nonstop music and IDs. 35433
6280,2 1003 Radio Merlin playing Roxy Music "Avalon". 35323
6305 1015 Radio Malaisy with discomusic. 35323
6375 1045 Cool AM playing "No milk today". Also heard in the evening at 2250 with an old recording of Radio 390 on the samae fq. 25422
6400,6 1032 Weekend Music Radio talking in english and german. Strong interference from North Korea on 6398. 31431
6410 1603 Central Radio with Lady Gaga "Pokerface". Also here bad interference, this time from the thundering sound on the same fq. 32432
6550 1040 Radio Brigitte playing music. ID in many languages at this time. 25422
6870 1038 Pirate Music with nonstop music and IDs. 45444

Saturday 2 January

3925 2025 Skyline Radio Germany was telling jokes in german. Still on the air after 2200. 25322
3931,8 2020 unid with nonstop softrock. The same CD played over and over again I think. Still on after 2200. 25322 (Irishpaul heard Jan van Gent)
4025 1544 Laser Hot Hits with music from the 80's. "Bad boys" ended, continued with Bowie "Ashes to ashes". 25333
6209,8 1110 Radio Black Arrow continued the antennatest on this fq with "Ecuador". 35433
6215,7 0912 unid weak musicstation. 13311 (both Irishpaul and Marco in Germany heard King Shortwave)
6216,4 1038 Radio Black Arrow testing a new antenna and was asking for reports. 25433
6265 0858 unid musicstation . A promo for am-forum at this hour so probably a dutch station. I think "Pretty Flamingo" was played 0923. Weak. 15311
6280 1035 Radio Northcoast playing nonstop disco/dance until 1140. After that oldies. 25433
6294,9 1420 Radio Mazda with a little unstable fq at the moment. Down on 6294,5 at 1426, on 6294,2 at 1428, on 6293,8 at 1450. But strong signal and a clear sound. 43444
6300 1031 Radio Tornado played some discopop. Was about an hour on the air. 25433
6300 1431 Radio Black Power very strong as usual. The reception became better and better for both stations when Mazda was slipping down from 6295. 44434
6304,8 1000 Radio Baken 16 swiched on the transmitter. The programme started 1002 with some electronical music. 25232
6308,5 1406 Radio Northsea-programme via Sonnet Radio. At 1602 a Sonnet Radio-ID was heard so probably own programme then. 35433
6320 1355 unid station playing Abba "Happy New Year" for over an hour. At 1453 other music Chris Rea, U2 etc until sign off 1518. The only words I heard were "Testing 1 2, testing 1 2..." 35433
6324,7 1025 Radio Montecarlo with "School's out" followed by some dutch music. 25433
6325 1434 unid musicstation signed on. Nonstop until sign off 1553. Strong. 45544!
6375 2348 Cool AM weak but a very clear band this late. Played "Lola". 15311
6375,9 0915 Radio Sonic playing a couple of Bob Marleys. Sign off 0931. 25322
6400,6 2208 Radio Shadow with well known piratemusic "Mickey Mouse polka", "Televisie polka" etc. Sign off 2336. 25433
6870 1156 Pirate Music with nonstop dancefloordisco and IDs. 45433
6955 1405 Radio Jan van Gent playing peaceful and slow c&w. 35444

Sunday 3 January

3899,9 1627 Radio Northcoast again on the air. Very active this weekend. Great rockshow this time. "Rivers deep mountains high", "Bicycle", "Let's do the twist", "Radar love", CCR, Meat Loaf... I listened over an hour just for the music even if the reception wasn´t so good. 24232
4025 1617 Laser Hot Hits also rocking. Nirvana this time. 34323
5815 0847 Orion Radio wishing good morning to all listeners. Good signal again. 45444
5825 0842 Best of Brittish Radio with christmasmusic until 0855. Interval signals at 0857 followed by "Leyla" and other best music. Also here a good signal 35423
6220 1248 Mystery Radio "Twist and shout" made me stop and Yes! Chris Ise was live with a request-show. Continued with Rolling Stones. 45444
6240,1 0921 Free Radio Victoria played his speciality old rock'n'roll. Paul Sedaka ended and over to "Lucille". 35433
6259,7 0910 Radio Saxonia is active now. I also heard him 25, 26 and 27 December. 23422
6260 1233 Radio Quintus was sending greetings to all listeners and playing dutch music. 35433
6280,2 0949 Radio Spaceshuttle Internationaaal Dick was of course playing "Spaceman" a couple of times before moving on with the show. Beautiful songs but also some finnish dirty ones... :oops: Strong. 45444!
6308,5 0912 Sonnet Radio still on the air after 1200. According to different sources the FM-station Radio Xanadu was relayed, no wonder I couldn´t make the ID Sonnet when I was listening... 35433
6315 0837 Cool AM with "Mighty Quinn" and "Coool AM"-jingles. 15322
6320 1151 Radio Northpole playing blues and other music. 35433
6550 1016 Radio Brigitte wishing listeners a Happy New Year in many languages. 25422
6870 1614 Pirate Music with nonstop music and IDs. 25433

unids on sunday

6210,2 1034 weak rockmusic (Two listeners have logged Radio Time and two have Misti Radio. I don´t know...)
6375,9 1232 weak popmusic. Announcement at 1237. Had closed 10 minutes later. 15321
6400 1030 weak discomusic. At 1157 weak prerecorded ID by a female voice. 1203 schlager. (Marco, Andy, Iann and ukdxer have heard Radio Saturnus between 9 and 10. Ukdxer, Iann, Irishpaul, Andy and Toutatis have heard Radio Contact 1040-1145. I guess I heard Contact...)
6523,9 1538 weak discomusic. Was gone 1545. (Marco in Germany heard Radio Northcoast)
6529,5v 1001 weak musicstation. Also heard 1558. (Marco heard Marinebroadcaster)

Receiver: NRD 525G.
Antenna: outdoor cupperwire 20 metres long.

A great start on this new year with many excellent shows. Thank you all!



Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:05 am
by BoBritain
Good one Jan! Thank you for the report from Finland. Here's hoping that 2010 is a good year for everyone.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 20:42 pm
by R Spaceshuttle
Hi Thanks for listening weak sighnals of Spaceshuttle, Jan!

"Dirty" finnish??? We played only some traditional folksongs????


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:41 pm
by Jan II
Hoi Dick of Space!

Eh... OK. I forgot I was listening to the Spacestation. That "musta reikä" that they sang about was of course one of those dark materia black holes in the sky that try to suck in the Spaceshuttle all the time...
Good old finnish :P

And BoB, really good reception this time. I don´t know if it was the frequency, radioconditiones or something else. Promising for the future in any case! :D



Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 06:52 am
by JoJo
Hello Jan, happy New Year and thanks for the logs. Indeed Orion was playing superhits january 1st ;)