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Pirate Report from Dunlo, PA, USA, for 13 December 2009

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 01:29 am
by Dave Valko
13 DECEMBER 2009: I was surprised to be getting audio from Amica, LHH, and Pirate Music at home before I left for the remote site. So it looked promising. Indeed, conditions seemed fairly good when I started. After getting IDs on those 3, I got the Perseus recording and anxiously checked the band. No one seemed to be on. It was a wait of almost 2 hours (0900 UTC) before stations started showing up. By that time, the conditions had deteriorated. It was only fair at best the rest of the way.

RX: Microtelecom Perseus SDR with ARR preamp.
ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at 50°.
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0705-1100 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 75 A Index = 2 K Index = 0 No storms.
WX: Clear and starry, then turning cloudy. Chilly, around 29° F. (-1° C.)

4025 LHH 0720 “Sweet Freedomâ€

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 13:38 pm
by Borderhunter
Hi Dave!

Thanks for your intresting logs. Its a good job and usefull.
Your not listening near the heating in a house but drive tro the night
to a hill, park your car by a frozen parking place, roll out the wire over the snow and stay for many hours in your car to catch us. Wonderfull and great! I have a lot of respect for your DXing style!


Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 14:34 pm
by JoJo
Hello Dave,

thank you vy much for th report. Indeed no percy fait. I had some computer problems and now Whem I was using a new computer I could not remember the name off the song so It was impossible to find that song. Now I know and I will play it again next px.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 16:52 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hello Dave,

4025 LHH 0720 “Sweet Freedomâ€