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Europirates Logged in New York

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 00:05 am
by curious george
Very nice conditions on 15 and 21 Mhz this weekend. Audio files will be posted at:

PIRATE (Euro). 6310.2, Radio Scotland International, 2305-2320* Oct 22, At tune-in, sounded like rock music. But later, I recognized "Electricity" by OMD. ID and phonetic spelling by the operator at 2312 and 2317. The low voice modulation, with high noise levels meant I couldn't copy much, other than I think he gave a phonetic spelling of the Beilen maildrop address. Thanks to Dr. Tim for help IDing this one. Later also received an e-mail from the RSI operator confirming it was him. SINPO 32232. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 15789.9, Radio Black Arrow, 1430-1512 Oct 22, The 19 meter band festivities began on this frequency, with Alex playing techno music; running only 20 watts. Due to high noise levels here, I requested Alex try a lower frequency on 19 meters. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 15070, Radio Black Arrow, 1512-1530 Oct 22, Alex continued here, with more techno. Noise levels were much lower here, so a low power test was attempted. I had the voice audio down to about 500 milliwatts, but then Alfa Lima came on this frequency (Alfred of course didn't know the frequency was in use, as it was skipping over him). SINPO 23433. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 15075, Radio Black Arrow, 1532-1656 Oct 22, Alex moved here, and reception was the best on this frequency. At one point, he was at S7, with almost full quieting. Another low power test was conducted, and this time I copied him 100% down to 100 milliwatts. I had just erected a half-wave dipole cut for 19 meters the night before, and it really worked like a charm. SINPO 23432. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 15069.4, Alfa Lima Int'l, 1530-1917 Oct 22, Great signal from Alfred. Techo music most of the time, until he switched to polkas around 1855 UTC. Many greetings to the listeners in the USA. SINPO 34444 during the peak in propagation. (Maroti-NY)

PIRATE (Euro). 21894.82, Cupid Radio, *1440-1508 Oct 23, Even better conditions today on the high bands. Rinus started off with some 60's offshore pirate jingles, then continued with music from the 80's. Only S1 signal, but with low noise I could copy his audio. During fade ups, SINPO was 25533. (Maroti-NY)