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Logs from Newfoundland, Nov.17-22 - 48m all day Sunday!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 01:49 am
by newfoundland dxer
Hi everyone:

I experienced something new this Sunday ... all day reception on 48m!!!

Merlin, Borderhunter and Paardenkracht were all audible when the sun was directly between Newfoundland and Europe, and even later. Signals were not strong, but loud enough to distinguish details. What is really interesting is that Merlin was using far less power, but was putting in an equal signal to the other two. I suspect this has something to do with his location being closer to me. It will be interesting to see how midday receptions develop over the next month or so.

The weekend actually started slow. Friday night there were a few stations on 76m, but signals were weak and ham QRM was particularly intense. Mediumwave was very noisy, with only Relmus poking through. Conditions improved quite a bit Saturday, and Sunday morning saw some of my clearest receptions yet. It was really nice to hear so many operator's voices so clearly. Thanks for all the greetings!

There did not seem to be as many stations on Sunday morning as the last few weeks, but this gave me a chance to spend more time listening to each one. The times listed in my logs are the times that I have audio files for, but I often listened much longer. Combined with the good conditions and the late signals, it was a very pleasent morning filled with lots of good music and very entertaining hosts.

Tuesday, November 17
6924.4 . . 0049-0056 . Radio Free Mars (tent) (US), lots of talk and a some music just above the noise. ID via US listener, 14331

Wednesday, November 18
4025,0 . . 0025-0040 . Laser Hot Hits , soft pop songs, ID at 0033, 24341
6925,0 . . 0205-0215 . Spider Radio , Duran Duran, ID 0213, 24442

Friday, November 20
3900,0 . . 2135-2150 . Skyline Radio Int ., EG pop music, music was reasonably clear, but talk was much harder to understand, periodic ute and ham QRM, ID via Iann's chat, 23441
3920,0 . . 2150-2155 . Radio Noorderlicht , barely audible music and talk between ham QRM, ID via Iann's chat13441
3931,7 . . 2225-2310 . Radio Rainbow , barely audible music poking through the hams at times. A huge amount of ham traffic close to this freq tonight. ID via Iann's chat
3940,0 . . 2235-2245 . Radio Jan van Gent , another station fighting ham QRM. Occassional music poking through at reasonable strength, ID via Iann's chat 23341
1665,0 . . 2245-2255 . Relmus Radio , weak but clear ID 2249, greetings and ID (spelled out) at 2251, 24341

Saturday, November 21
7610,0 . . 1628-1635 . Radio Amica , ID by woman, dance song with train sounds and whistles, bad hum on the signal, 34443
6420,0 . . 1728-1740 . Radio Lowland , Bon Jovi "Bed of Roses", Cher "Believe", 24441
6924,6 . . 1741-1747 . MAC Shortwave (US), ID by Paul Starr, "Pirate's Life", National Anthem and c/d 1747, 34443
6325,0 . . 1814-1820 . Radio CoolAM , barely audible music, ID via Iann's chat,
6324,7 . . 1820-1830 . Radio Trans Europe , very weak music and talk, only three words poked throught the noise at 1823, luckily they were "Radio Trans Europe", 13441
3885,0 . . 1920-2110 . Overijssel Radio , Dutch music, talk, weak at first but up to 34442 by 2000, then the hams started to fade in.
6324,7 . . 1934-1945 . Monte Carlo Radio , clear greetings and IDs, music was a little weaker, periodic ute QRM, 23442
6325,0 . . 1955-2030 . UNID , barely audible music and talk, possibly RWI or Sonnet?, too weak for ID,
6553,6 . . 2116-2345 . Radio Rainbow , best reception ever of Rainbow, pop music, jingle IDs, up to 34442
3905,0 . . 2125-2132 . Borderhunter Radio , Police "Message in a Bottle", jingle IDs, Dire Straits "Sultans of Swing", 33442, ute QRM
4025,0 . . 2150-2200 . Laser Hot Hits , weak pop music and talk, 24441
6905,0 . . 2212-2355 . Cactus Jack Radio , jazz piano music, ID via Iann's chat, 23441
6310,0 . . 2310-2315 . Grensstad Radio , barely audible music, ute QRM, ID via Iann's chat
1646.0 . . 2320-2321 . Radio Toekomst , weak talk and polka, QSO (I think), off 2321, 24341

Sunday, November 22
6925,0u . 0010-0015 . Mack Truck Radio (US), bluegrass music, multiple IDs and email, 34443
1628,8 . . 0026-0030 . UNID , Greek-sounding music, barely above the noise, had to use lsb to separate from US station on 1630.
6926,3u . 0102-0110 . KIPM (US), relay of old KIPM show by Outhouse Radio, telling story involving tear gas and armoured personnel carrier, 24441
6926,7 . . 0129-0134 . UNID (US?), barely audible music, faded out at 0134.
6926,3u . 0202-0205 . KIPM (US), back on with story involving talking mushrooms, 24441
4025,0 . . 0235-0240 . Laser Hot Hits , pop music, ID, ssb QRM, 23441
4025,0 . . 0752-0755 . Laser Hot Hits , surprised to find signal still audible when I switched the radio back on, weak music, very noisy, 24341
6315,0 . . 0758-0803 . Radio Waves Int. , weak music, faded in for about two minutes with Gerry Rafferty "Baker Street", 24341 at peak, had faded to just a carrier on later rechecks.
6420,0 . . 0803-0812 . Radio Lowland , wishing listeners a "good morning", ID, Johnny Cash "A Thing Called Love", Rod Stewart "Baby Jane", 23441, some ute QRM, but some nice peaks too.
6280,1 . . 0814-1545 . Radio Merlin Int. , pop music, female DJ with clear ID at 0818, 23441, periodic ute QRM, rechecked constantly throughout the morning, and could hear weak music on every recheck, including "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" at 1344, which was via mid-day, daylight path!!!
6215,9 . . 0837-0855 . King Shortwave (tent), weak music on peaks, but not loud enough to ID a song, one clear peak about 0846 with woman singing, ID via Iann's chat, 14341
6296,0 . . 0903-0913 . Radio Boomerang , Laura Brannigan "Self Control", tone from Sahara carrier until 0909, IDs at 0910, greeting listeners, and mentioning testing new antenna over "No Milk Today", Supertramp "Take the Long Way Home", 34443 after Sahara c/d.
6200,0 . . 0914-0916 . Borderhunter Radio , country song, ID at 0915 over song, off abruptly at 0916, 34442
6395,0 . . 0920-0926 . Radio Face de Blatte (tent), barely audible music, except for a couple weak peaks around 0922 where I could clearly hear a man singing a slow song, but did not recognize it, 14331
6202,0 . . 0928-0930 . Radio Scotland Int. , weak talk, instrumental music and c/d 0930, surprisingly weak signal for Scotland, 23441, QRM from China on 6200.
6265,0 . . 0938-0939 . Radio Trans Europe , barely audible music, c/d 0939 and moved to 6290.
6306,0 . . 0942-0955 . Radio Brandaris , song with whistling, jingle ID 0948, greetings, 24342
6300,0 . . 0959-1007 . Radio Golfbreker , barely audible music and possibly talk at 1001, too weak for details, ID via Iann's chat
5820,0 . . 1007-1011 . Orion Radio , country song (I think), Dutch song, c/d 1011 and moved to 5815, ID via Iann's chat, there was a strange "machine-gun" type noise on all of 52m, making music hard to distinguish, 34342
6290,0 . . 1013-1021 . Radio Trans Europe , barely audible music at first, faded in with a song with male vocalist (possibly country), ID at 1018 and reporting to Brandaris, 24442 at 1018, c/d 1021, heard again 1026-1029 in QSO
6290,0 . . 1021-1024 . Radio Boomerang , instrumental music, "Hello to listeners, good morning", ID and reports in Dutch, Dutch song, 34443,
6290,0 . . 1026-1029 . Radio Scotland Int. , voice report to Brandaris and Bommerang in Dutch, 24442
5815,0 . . 1038-1042 . Orion Radio , music (Dutch, I think), machine-gun type noise still spoiling listening on 52m. ID via Iann's chat, 34342
6300,0 . . 1042-1050 . Radio Paardenkracht , ID, "good morning", instrumental music, "good morning" again, and ID, "Stuck in the Middle With You", 24442
9300,3 . . 1054-1056 . Free Radio Service Holland , slow pop song, //7600, 24442
7600,0 . . 1056-1058 . Free Radio Service Holland , IS, theme music, repeat, ID, //9300, 44443
12257,1 . 1133-1145 . WR International , very weak at first, improved very quickly with pop music, ID and SMS number at 1138, jingle ID at 1139, unknown slow pop song with woman singin, 24442 at peak
6260,0 . . 1203-1301 . Borderhunter Radio , music, lots of recorded and live IDs, greetings to listeners, 24441, also heard 1319-1322 in QSO
6414,9 . . 1230-1252 . Radio Marconi , very weak music and talk, ID via Iann's chat,
6259,8 . . 1314-1316 . Radio Paardenkracht , report to Borderhunter, barely audible, ID via Iann's chat, also heard 1321-1325 in QSO.
6259,8 . . 1351-1455 . Radio Paardenkracht , very weak music and talk, may have been a continuation of the last log, ID via Iann's chat
7600,0 . . 1436-1439 . Free Radio Service Holland , reviewing the frequencies used by pirates, numbers of stations on in October, 44443
9300,7 . . 1439-1442 . Free Radio Service Holland , pirate news, 34442
6295,0 . . 1533-1540 . Voice of the Netherlands , talk and music, almost loud enough to distinguish details, but not quite, 24441
6924,7 . . 2022-2029 . MAC Shortwave (US), unknown music, jingle ID 2025, 34442
1665.0 . . 2038-2225 . Radio Barones , lots of noise on mw tonight, only Baro was audible with pop music and talk, heard ID and greetings at 2222, 24331
4025,0 . . 2045-2050 . Laser Hot Hits , pop music and talk, loud tone from a blanc carrier just above, 22441
7610,0 . . 2058-2103 . Radio Amica , dance music, usual ID, 34443
6903,5 . . 2257-2312 . WJFK (US), speechs by John F. Kennedy, with short musical bridges between, 24441, ID via frn

Cheers, Terry

Receivers: JRC NRD-525 & Yaesu-Musen FRG-7
Antenna: 75 m long wire, 30 m from house
QTH: Conception Bay South, Newfoundland, Canada

Abbreviations and references:
(US) = United States
IS = Interval Signal
u = usb (upper side band)
L = lsb (lower side band)
v = variable
tent = tentative
pos = possible
QRM = interference
QSO = conversation
ham = licensed radio amateur operator
c/d = close down (transmitter off)
op = operator
othr = over the horizon radar
frn = Free Radio Network (US)
Iann's chat = ... e/english/


Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 05:18 am
by Trans Europe
Hello Terry,

thanks again for your post.
Received your QSL and posted reply by e-mail!

Keep up the good work!
Trans Europe Radio.