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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 19:03 pm
by Andy Richards
Not much time to listen to the radio this weekend,but I had a little tune this morning.

A lot of noise here this weekend again,which cleared,in the main,by about 1100.

Radio Scotland was very busy,testing and QSOing all over the band.But I think he had some mod and TX problems.Not a bad signal though,even with just 250w on 6220.

Radio Borderhunter had his usual good signal and Frans gave "Borderhunter Junior" a go on the mic.Young Juriaan was great!!Move over Frans,the youth are taking over.......:-)
Hope you enjoyed the football.........and let him win!!

Seems like John got up late like me today.Very late for an Orion Radio broadcast.
But I'm not complaining,at least I heard him!

Same old noise on 6300-6315Khz.Brandaris did OK again this weekend,but Paardenkracht closed on the advice of Dr.Tim as there were far too many stations on adjacent frequencies.

Again a French station heard here!Radio Face de Blatte with a good signal but on a noisy frequency here.That's 4 French stations heard here now..................

The "Regulars",Mystery,LHH & Playback were all poor here this weekend.

Best signals here were;Boomerang,Borderhunter,Scotland,Orion and Brandaris.(In that order).

Sunday 22/11/09

4025Khz - 1019-1024 - Laser Hot Hits - 34232 - Pop Music.
5815Khz - 1011-1016 - Orion Radio - 45434 - German Song.
5820Khz - 1010-1011 - Orion Radio - 45434 - Dutch Song.Tuned to 5815 at 1011.
6140Khz - 1045-1050 - Radio Gloria Int - 55534 - Pop/Rock Music.
6200Khz - 0935-0940 - Radio Scotland Int - 55434 - "Lily the Pink".
6220Khz - 1140-1145 - Radio Scotland Int - 33433 - Rock'n'Roll Music.Running just 250w.
6220Khz - 1237-1242 - Mystery Radio - 33333 - Pop Music.
6260Khz - 1107-1108 - UNID - 25433 - Choir singing.Off at 1108.
6260Khz - 1242-1247 - Radio Borderhunter - 4/55434 - Dr.Tim Ad.German Song.
"The Boys are back in Town".Closed at 1312.
6260Khz - 1312-1313 - Radio Grote Versiede - Report for Borderhunter.
6260Khz - 1314-1316 - Radio Paardenkracht - Reports for Grote Veriede and Borderhunter.
6280Khz - 0955-1000 - Radio Merlin Int - 43333 - Jackie Frost playing "Vincent".
6290Khz - 1000-1005 - Trans Europe Radio - 33232 - Country Music.
6290Khz - 1024-1025 - Radio Boomerang - 55444 - Dutch Song.Standing by for QSO.
6290Khz - 1025-1029 - Trans Europe Radio - 33232 - Reports for Boomi & Scotland.
6290Khz - 1029-1037 - Radio Scotland - 45434 - With Mod & TX problems.In QSO.
6290Khz - 1037-1040 - Radio Boomerang - 55444 - In QSO with Trans Europe & Scotland.
6295Khz - 1055-1100 - Radio Condor - 33433 - Techno Music.Interference from 6300Khz.
6300Khz - 1100-1105 - Radio Paardenkracht - 34433 - David Bowie,Rod Stewart.Interference from
6295 & 6305.Closed at 1115 on advice of Dr.Tim.
6305Khz - 1005-1010 - Radio Brandaris Int - 45333 - "Moonlight shadow".
6305Khz - 1145-1150 - Radio Brandaris Int - 45434 - Queen,Tina Turner.
6325Khz - 1150-1155 - Radio Skywire - 34232 - "From the East of Holland".Dutch Music.
6395Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio Face De Blatte - 34232 - French.
6870Khz - 1255-1300 - Playback Radio Int - 34232 - Inaudible Music.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 20:24 pm
by JoJo
Hello Andy thanks for the report, much appreciated. Today Got up early as always, but had some problems with the computer, I didn't expect this so there where also no cd's in the studio so wasn't able to play any music. After I fixed the problem I need to test ofcourse and was later on air as usualy. Anyway I am glad you picked up some signal ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 09:20 am
by merlin
hi andy
thanks for the report
paul watt