I think conditions were actually better on Saturday than today.
Although I wasn't listening this afternoon,so maybe you will let me know what you think.
Too many stations with good signals to mention them all seperately.
Even a lot of the stations that were only S3 had nice clear frequencies and were coming through well.
Plenty of S4's and Borderhunter with a huge S5,challenging the signal from Gloria here!!
Grensstad Radio seems to be getting stronger with me.When I first heard him,some time ago now,his signals were quite weak,but he is usually a good signal with me now and sometimes really quite strong.
Another good example of how weird shortwave can be,Radio Brandaris Int have been a huge signal here the last two weeks.Not too strong today.How does that work?
Radio Merlin Int started off with a good signal and just got stronger.Did I really hear Jackie Frost playing Metallica????
Lowland Radio and Radio Zodiac Int got good clear signals up on the higher frequencies.Good move.
What is the point of fighting it out on 6300 to 6310Khz?
Very good signals from Radio Quintus,Voice of the Netherlands,Radio Scotland Int and of course Mystery Radio.
Orion Radio continues to have a very strong signal every week.Besides signal strength and a good clear frequency his big advantage is that he is on most weeks at the same time.Believe me,getting a good signal out is one thing but keeping it up regularly and at regular times deserves respect.
Strongest signal of the weekend was Radio Borderhunter.Just huge here!
Saturday 24/10/09
3905Khz - 1720-1725 - Overjissel Radio? - 45433 - Dutch music.
3945Khz - 1955-2000 - The Bogusman - 34433 - Indie Rock and chat.
5815Khz - 1313-1318 - Radio Quintus - 45444 - Rock & Dance music with jingles.
5815Khz - 1507-1512 - VOTN - 44433 - "Lost in Music","Me and you and a dog named Boo".
6220Khz - 1630-1635 - Mystery Radio - 44434 - Dance music.
6300Khz - 1305-1310 - Radio Quintus - 43443 - Dutch music.Switched to 5815 at 1312.
6310Khz - 1100-1105 - Grensstad Radio - 33333 - Dance tune,French Folk Ballads.Closed at 1120.
6310Khz - 1120-1124 - Radio Marconi - 43333 - Report for Grensstad.
6310Khz - 1540-1545 - Grensstad Radio - 44334 - French song,"I put a spell on you".Closed at 1630.
6325Khz - 1425-1430 - Radio Monte Carlo - 35433 - Dutch music.
6375Khz - 1500-1505 - Lowland Radio - 35334 - Bon Jovi.
6870Khz - 1550-1555 - Playback Radio Int - 33333 - "A Whiter shade of pale".
7600Khz - 1322-1328 - UNID - 45434 - Kirsty Mcoll - "New England",The Kinks - "Lola".
Sunday 25/10/09
5815Khz - 0801-0806 - Orion Radio - 45434 - Instrumental,Feargal Sharkey?Closed at about 1000.
6140Khz - 1013-1018 - Radio Gloria Int - 55434 - '60's music.
6205Khz - 0812-0817 - Radio Borderhunter - 55444 - "Twisting by the pool","There's no limit".
6240Khz - 1029-1034 - Free Radio Victoria - 35433 - Demis Roussos?Desmond Dekker.Peaking 45434.
6280Khz - 0822-0827 - Radio Merlin Int - 35443 - Jackie Frost playing Metallica.
6280Khz - 1024-1029 - Radio Merlin Int - 45434 - CCR - "Bad Moon Rising".
6290Khz - 1018-1023 - Radio Scotland Int - 45434 - Rock song,Talk Talk.Short test,closed at 1024.
6300Khz - 0910-0915 - Radio Golfbreker? - 35333 - Dutch music.
6305Khz - 0835-0840 - Retro Radio? - 34333 - Country song.Later Bruce Springsteen.
6305Khz - 1008-1013 - Radio Brandaris Int - 33333 - "Papa was a Rolling Stone","Waterloo".
6310Khz - 0806-0811 - Flux AM? - 35333 - Dutch Pirate song.
6325Khz - 0930-0935 - Radio Paardenkracht - 35433 - "I can't stand the rain".
6395Khz - 1110-1115 - Radio Zodiac Int - 45434 - "Man of Action","Milk and Alcohol".
7600Khz - 1120-1125 - UNID - 55534 - "Hyperactive","It's my party".
Andy Richards.
London Calling.
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