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Saturday morning messes (Oct. 17)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:06 am
by Ray Lalleu
Saturday morning messes (Oct. 17)

On 6265, two stations were struggling all the morning, destroying one another with great success. Neither I can report which music they were trying to broadcast, nor report a single word they said, although one tried to ID and give contact details at 9.10. Adding to the mess, there were many SSB calls and Stanag trials... but later the channel was clear and the two stations were still destroying one another. At 10.30, only something of one station still heard (much too weak), and the other I don't know.

On 6870, Playback Int (identifying as Playback and Mystery) was somewhat disturbed around 8.50 by an other station only a few hertz away, giving a distinct ECSS effect even when listening in AM mode... Could hear that station speaking, but nothing more. Later, no other station can be heard, but the channel is still not quite clear.

