logs from Newfoundland, Sept 8-13

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newfoundland dxer
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logs from Newfoundland, Sept 8-13

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Hi everyone:

After last weeks exceptional loggings, I was not surprised that things were a little quieter this week. Conditions were still good, just not as many stations on the air.

Only two new stations this week, Marinebroadcaster from the Netherlands (relaying RNI) and Admiral Wombat Radio from the US (bravely poking fun at Commander Bunny). It was also nice to hear the best signals ever from Spaceshuttle, Napolean and Toekmost.

It has been a sad week for me, however, as I have witnessed a viscous personal attack on one of my friends in the frn. It may be a long time, if ever, before I post there again. On the positive side, however, I have never been more appreciative of my European friends.

Tuesday, September 8
7550,0 . . 2030-2040 . Radio Amica (presumed), talk by man and woman in Italian, 33442
6925.0u . 2040-2059 . Spider Radio, ID, Il Silenzio, 34443, one of my best signals ever from Spider.
6924.8 . . 2100-2105 . WBNY, ID, usual show, 24441
1665.0 . . 2230-2340 . Relmus Radio, IDs, greetings, variety of music, up to 34443!
1655.2 . . 2345-2350 . Radio Napolean, country song, ID, "good morning", and faded. 24442 at start.
6955.2 . . 2350-2355 . WMPR (Micro Power Radio), ID, dance music, 24341

Wednesday, September 9
6210.0 . . 2115-2215 . Marinebroadcaster, relaying RNI, barely audible music, ID via Iann's chat.
1691.2 . . 2215-2220 . UNID, talk in unknown language, Eastern or Southern European music, cd 2220, 14341

Thursday, September 10
6940,2 . . 0145-0210 . Outhouse Radio, weak music, ID via frn, 24241
6210,0 . . 2045-2205 . Radio Spaceshuttle, music, greetings, ID, up to 34342, best reception ever for Spaceshuttle.
1665,0 . . 2210-2240 . Relmus Radio, IDs, greetings, up to 34442
6955,2 . . 2331-2350 . WMPR (Micro Power Radio), ID, dance music, 24241

Friday, September 11
6925,0u . 0005-0028 . Radio GaGa, variety of music, IDs, 33342
6925,0u . 0035-0040 . Admiral Wombat Radio, brief broadcast trashing Commander Bunny, ID and email, 34442 (got QSL#2 from AWR! :) ).
6925,0u . 0100-0137 . WMDR (World Monkey Domination Radio), presumably a response to the brave Admiral Wombat, ID changed to WMR (We Monkey Radio) around 0124, 24341
13955,0 . 2035-2045 . Best of British Radio (tent), got home just in time to catch some traces of music. Complete fade out by 2100. Heard much better in New York.
3901,2 . . 2050-2130 . Skyline Radio International, early fade in for 76m, music, IDs, 24441 at 2050, better later
6240,0 . . 2159-2220 . Radio Altrex, clear IDs, greetings, music, started at 24442, but slowly faded out.
3916,0 . . 2115-2120 . Radio Norderlicht, barely audible music and talk, ID via Iann's chat.
6328,2 . . 2145-2220 . Radio Marconi, music, ID, greetings, 24342
3913,0 . . 2150-2200 . Sallandse Boer, rap song to the tune of "Under Pressure", talk, ID via Iann's chat, 24442
6309,1 . . 2220-2230 . Sonnet Radio Europe, pop music, ID, 34342
6315,0 . . 2235-2245 . CoolAM Radio (tent), barely audible music and talk, utility QRM, 13441
1655,0 . . 2255-0030 . Relmus Radio, music, IDs, greetings, overall, only 24441 tonight, but occassional brief fade-ins.
1710,9 . . 2301-2302 . UNID, talk in unid lang, music typical of south-eastern Europe, 24441
1712,0 . . 2304-2305 . UNID, talk, brief music, barely audible

Saturday, September 12
6925,0u . 0030-0050 . Radio Marlene, pop music, IDs, 44443
6905.0 . . 0049-0139 . 9-12 Radio, continous memorial-style music with clips from news coverage of 9-11. ID at 0129. 34443
1664,0 . . 0100-0105 . Radio Toekmost, greetings, ID, music, 24342
6925,0u . 0110-0120 . Wolverine Radio, Tom Petty, ID, 44443
6925,0 . . 0135-0140 . Outhouse Radio, "Why Can't This Be Love", 34442
6399,8 . . 1910-2310 . Sonnet Radio Europe, weak music, IDs, 22441, QRM from utilities and receiver generated tone on 6400.
6325,0 . . 1915-2010 . Radio Mustang, faded in early, but stayed weak, music, ID via Iann's chat, 13441, utility QRM
6310,0 . . 1955-2140 . Radio Lowland, music, ID, up to 24342
6318,0 . . 2005-2010 . Radio Spaceshuttle (tent), couple bits of very weak music heard, carrier only audible for next hour, ID via Iann's chat
5805,0 . . 2035-2045 . Radio Telstar South (tent), oldies, excited DJ, too weak for details, 24341
3895,1 . . 2055-2210 . Skyline Radio International, variety of music, ID, up to 33442, ham QRM in the last half hour,
6850.4 . . 2005-0230 . MAC Shortwave, marathon show (apparently started around 1700), Ultraman, Paul Starr, 44443
1706,6 . . 2235-2238 . UNID, music typical of south-eastern Europe, heard briefly, then faded out, 14441
1706,1 . . 2239-2240 . UNID, barely audible music and talk, presumably replying to 1706,6.
6240,0 . . 2325-2330 . WBNY, Commander Bunny, the man who called me "delusional" for trying to improve transatlantic cooperation, conducts a "European Outreach Broadcast". Obviously extremely low power, since noone else heard him, even in the US. Probably his way of "proving" that transatlantic reception is impossible 24341

Sunday, September 13
6925.0u . 0106-0125 . Radio Marlene, pop music, IDs, 34442
6925,0u . 0208-0225 . WTCR, ID at 0220, "Love Her Madly", 34442
13955,0 . 1300-1515 . Best of British (tent), occassional bits of music, nothing distinguishable.

Cheers, Terry

Abbreviations and references (may be useful for new listeners):
u = usb (upper side band)
L = lsb (lower side band)
v = variable
tent = tentative
pos = possible
QRM = interference
QSO = conversation
ham = licensed radio amateur operator
c/d = close down (transmitter off)
op = operator
frn = Free Radio Network (US) http://www.frn.net/vines/
Iann's chat = http://www.easyshopdiscountzone.com/rad ... e/english/
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Post by Altrex »

Hi Terry, great all your receptions.... and good you heard Altrex better than the last weeks.... see you again in the chat, and keep listening...

73's Altrex
R Spaceshuttle
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Post by R Spaceshuttle »

6210,0 . . 2045-2205 . Radio Spaceshuttle, music, greetings, ID, up to 34342, best reception ever for Spaceshuttle.

Hi Terry, great job you did there! Your 48mb QSL has been posted on Monday 28th of September. Wishing you to receive it soon.

Best greetings,

Dick of Space :twisted:
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