Logs from Newfoundland, June 2-7

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newfoundland dxer
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Logs from Newfoundland, June 2-7

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Hi everyone:

What a great weekend! Lots of stations heard, even though it is not getting dark until almost 0000 here.

The highlight of the weekend was Relmus' very successful test on 1720. Reception was solid for the entire show; the best mediumwave pirate reception yet.

June 2
6925u 0050 Outhouse Radio, music, ID, Op's birthday show! 24341
6925u 0200 Wolverine Radio, show of songs with colours in thier names (ie: Red, Red Wine & Big Yellow Taxi), IDs, 34443

June 4
4025 0100 Laser Hot Hits, Show about Laser 558, ham qrm, 23442
6925u 0207 Spider Radio (tent), very weak pop music, usual style and level for Spider. 14341
6220 2043 Mystery Radio, music, ID, early fade in, 34442
6925u 2059 Spider Radio, signature trumpet tune, good signal for this early, 34442
4025 2314 Laser Hot Hits, Music, ID, 24442 (Laser's signal has significantly improved aver the past couple of weeks).

June 5
6876 0145-0300 The Crystal Ship (US), great show of classic rock, IDs, 34442
6220 2200 Radio Altrex (tent), very weak talk and music, 14441
3910 2212 Sallendse Boer (tent), music, talk, 14341
3910 2215 Antonio Radio (tent), barely audible, talk 14341
6420 2315 Radio Free Victoria, music, ID, 24341
6310 2335 UNID, the mystery sation from last week?, I am hearing two stations, a man talking in Spanish, and another with pop music and a British accented DJ, barely audible, 14441
6420L 2350 Radio Delta Oscar, 5 watt lsb test, did not hear this at the time, but after reviewing my audio files, I received one whistle in between utility qrm, barely audible.
3900L 2355 Radio Delta Oscar, 5 watt lsb test, ID, whistles, 14341

June 6
6925,2 0020 Captain Morgan (US), weak music, only song identifiable was "Smoke on the Water" at 0038, (ID based on similar frn postings), 24341, Voice of Kaos covered the Captain at 0045
6925u 0045 Voice of Kaos (US), Get Smart theme, ID, rap music, 44443
6925u 0130, Radio GaGa, music, SSTV, music, (ID based on similar frn postings), 24441
6870 2043 Playback Int., nice to hear PBI again, has not been on late enough for me to hear, Chris Ise with live show //6220, 24442
6220 2046 Mystery Radio, Chris Ise live, //6870, 34443
5810 2055 Radio Telstar South, oldies, ID, 34442
6650u 2105 UNID, continuous easy listening music, 24442, occassional rtty qrm.
6270 2115 Radio Amica, music, talk in italian, 24442
6400,6 2140 UNID, very weak music (possibly Radio Freebird, but ukdxer reports 2 stations 6400/6401, so I am not sure)
6310 2150 Radio Grensstad, music, ID, 24442
3900 2215 Skyine International Radio, music, ID, 34342
6265 2220 Radio 48 (tent), weak music, 24341, still at same level at 2335 recheck
6280 2225 Radio Merlin (tent), weak talk and music, 14341
3933 2230 Radio Continental, weaker then usual, music, ID, 24341
6850 2345 WBNY (US), usual bunny/monkey programming, 24341

June 7
6851 0002 MAC shortwave (US), music, ID, 34342
6876 0038 The Crystal Ship (US), signiture Doors tune, more Doors, ID
1720 0059-0207 Relmus Radio. This was the highlight of the weekend. 1720 is above all of the North American broadcast stations, so it was completely clear. Relmus put in a solid 34443 for the whole show! Lots of good tunes, and the unique treat of recording my own audio file, which had been sent to Relmus and played on air! Thanks Relmus.
6910 2014-2359 Cactus Jack Radio, a variety of music, many IDs, faded in early and peaked at 34443. (Cactus Jack has a new website and chat at www.cactusjackradio.blogspot.com.)
5800 2041-2258 Radio Rapido, lots of Eric Clapton, c/d at 2258, barely audible most of the time, jumped up to 24342 just before c/d.
5810 2055 Radio Telestar South, oldies, ID, 24441
6990u 2110 UNID, pop music, test signal, talk in unid. language, 34443
6925u 2120 Spider Radio (tent), weak pop music, ssb qrm, 23441

Thanks to all the operators!

Ray Lalleu
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Post by Ray Lalleu »

Hi Newfondland Dxer !

You said :

" 6400,6 2140 UNID, very weak music (possibly Radio Freebird, but ukdxer reports 2 stations 6400/6401, so I am not sure) "

Well, read again. The 2 stations reported by Ukdxer are for Sunday 7, not for Saturday 6.

All reports for Saturday 6 on 6400 approx. are for Radio Shadow. The frequency could have been drifting around 6400.5, so the reports round it to 6400 or to 6401. (I had it on 6400.4 around 22.10, but could not identify it by myself).

Other information is very interesting, go on! (I'm a bit puzzled by the R. Delta Oscar tests..., that seems an insight in the underground of underground!)

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newfoundland dxer
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Ray is correct

Post by newfoundland dxer »

Thank you Ray. You are absolurely correct.

I usually compare my UNIDs with other dxer's logs on Monday mornings, before posting my logs. This week, I was really rushed, and made an obvious mistake. :oops:

As for the Radio Delta Oscar tests, the operator contacted me in private chat while I was in Iann's room, and wanted to do a transatlantic test. Of course, I was more more than happy to listen.

Normally I share all of my loggings with the other dxer's in Iann's room, but since I had been contacted in private chat, I respected the operators wishes.

By the way, I have received a very nice QSL from Delta Oscar. :D

Cheers, Terry
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