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Gunsmoke and "an avid listener", 19 May 09

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 12:32 pm
by undigest
Interesting listening last night on 76m:

3905kHz, Radio Gunsmoke playing The Mavericks at 2129UTC: the op says he found a few old Gunsmoke QSL cards so was making a one-off broadcast under the name Gunsmoke to send them out... he said write to Dr. Tim to ask for an address. Asking for a QSO before s/off 2156UTC. Very strong, 44433.

3905kHz, English station replies very briefly to Gunsmoke at 2157UTC.

3905kHz, Gunsmoke replying to English station, 2158-59UTC.

3905kHz, English station from East of the Humber reporting to Gunsmoke at 2159UTC, saying he'll just call himself "an avid listener" and might send a report again another night, but will sign off now before he has any problems... 33443.

3905kHz, 2202UTC Gunsmoke replying to English station, but swamped by a Dutch station playing "River Deep, Mountain High" (the Dutch station went off air 2206UTC). Gunsmoke off air 2207UTC.

3905kHz, English station reporting at 2208UTC on strong signal from Gunsmoke but QRM.

3905kHz, Radio Gunsmoke saying it was good to hear a QSO station from the UK for a change, then 73s and off air 2213UTC.

Sony ICF-7600GR + telescopic antenna.

Best to all,

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 09:50 am
by Jan II

Really interesting. I have never heard an english QSO-station. I hope these guys will come on air again. :P


gunsmoke. and east of the humber

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:30 am
by rossrevenge
you will be suprised who switches on their tx... :lol: ... did hear gunsmoke. signal was swamped by strong noise on 3.904. was not local noise.its nice to hear english qso, makes a change.. :D