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Weekend logs from Southern Poland

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 20:50 pm
by Foton
Sunny weather in Poland but very windy. I spent more time listening to free radio station. Propagation was good for me - my location (around 1000km from Netherlands) probably was suitable for weekend skips. From the other side signals was very variable. I needed more time to catch weaker stations. Many of them varied from 0 to 3or4. For example Radio Merlin. After some equipment modification RMI was audible better than usual. Sometimes with O=4, but few minutes later became invisible and again strong and...
It was pleasure to log new (for me) stations like Radio Sonic, Radio Shadow, Radio Sonnet and Radio Kima. Also was nice listen to stations not logged by me for longer time like Alice, Polaris, RWI.
I do not remember when last time 48mb was so active at night. After 2030UTC on Sturday I logged 7 stations on this band.
Of course there are some UNIDs. The most puzzling is UNID from 6245,4 active on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday I heard French programme (and French songs too). It sounded like relay of regular station. On Sunday only music was heard. I thought that it might be my receiver fault and scanned 41&49mb but I didn't found such station. On Sunday also other listeners confirmed existence of such signal...

THX for interesting programs. I really regrets I have only two ears to listen all of them.

Below Saturday and Sunday logs... Audio files of course are available at my webpage

3 May - Sunday

1310 6205 13212 Radio Suzuki
1255 6245.4 22323 UNID
1250 6310 45444 Radio Borderhunter
1230 6210 23323 Radio Mustang
1230 6220 45444 Mystery Radio
1225 6382 34433 Radio Alice
1220 6401 34323 Radio Polaris
1215 6375 32333 Radio Polaris
1210 6415 33333+ Radio Dutchwing
1135 6310 32333 Radio Greenstadt
1130 6300 34434- Radio Merlin
1030 6380 34444- UNID (R. Lowland?)
1005 6380 34323+ UNID (R. Marconi?)
0945 0945 33323 Radio Sonic
0935 6210 23323 Radio Misti
0925 6541 22212+ UNID, tent. R.Brigitte
0900 6282 34434 Radio Zodiac
0845 6326 22222 Radio Sonic
0845 6260 32323 tent. R. Saxonia
0840 12257 14313 WRI
0825 6220 34433+ Voice of the Netherlands
0815 6285 23323 Radio Condor
0745 6215 24333- King SW
0710 6870 45444 Radio Playback Int.
0710 5815 34434 Orion Radio
0705 6325 12212 tent. Sonnet Radio
0705 6424 33434- Radio Pionier
0700 6401 33434- Radio Shadow

2 May - Saturday

2250 3915 31311 tent. Radio Piepzender
2240 6260 34434- Radio Altrex
2230 6925 34323 Spider Radio
2145 6310 43343 Radio Scotland
2125 6880 23233- Radio Fox48
2110 6205 44444 Radio Scotland
2105 3930 43323 Radio Antonio
2100 4025 33233 Laser Hot Hits
2055 6325 33333 Radio Sonnet
2045 6220 44444 Mystery Radio
1840 3900 54444 Radio Spaceman
1835 3905 23122 tent. Radio Fox48
1729 3900 34444&33222 UNIDs in QSO with Spaceman tent. Salandse Boer&Skyline
1720 3900 44444 Radio Spaceman
1525 6310 33223 UNID
1400 6210 34444 UNID
1240 6554 12212 Radio Kima
1215 6375 23322+ Radio Monte Carlo
1200 6210 33323 Radio Misti
1155 6220 34444 Delta Radio
1155 6289 23333 Radio Mustang
1150 6325 23333 UNID last second of transmission
1130 6524 33333 UNID
0935 6210 11212 Misti Radio
0755 6870 33333+ Radio Playback Int.
0735 6245 33323 UNID
0720 6310 34333+ Radio Greenstadt
0715 6380 23333 UNID
0710 6280 33323 Radio Merlin
0705 6415 44434 Tent. R. Dutchwing

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 00:06 am
by Dave Jones
Hi Michal,
Wow it was nice to see that you managed to hear the transmission of WR International on Sunday 3/5/09. I was pleased to hear the mp3 recording you made on your web page of what you heard.
I think this might be the first time that you have received transmissions on 12257 Khz as I have not seen us listed in your logs before.
Thank you for logging WR International.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 12:56 pm
by Foton
Hi Dave,

WRI reaches my location from time to time. In all cases with very variable signal. I must admit that I do not monitor 12257 so often like regular 48mb. Last WRI log was not the first and for sure not the last:) In archive I found some older logs:
15 February 1045 12257 24432 WRI
14 December 0955 12257 24323 Radio WRI
24 October 0855 12257 35433 WR International
5 October 0835 12257 24334- WR International
31 August 0925 12257 35433 WR Int.
6 July 0840 12257 12212 Tent. Radio WR Int.
15 June 0940 12257 12212 Tent. R. Wrekin Int.



Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 05:51 am
by Suzuki
Hi Foton,

thanks for sharing this recordings on your website. Great to hear my own transmissions although the reception was weak.

Thanks ,

radio SuZuKi

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:53 pm
by JoJo
Thanks Michal, for the log Much appreciated.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 20:43 pm
by Altrex
Heya Foton,

Tnx for your log, and mp3 audio file you send to me...

best regards,

Radio Altrex