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Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 22:20 pm
by Andy Richards
As usual Axel makes an interesting post;

On 6140 I heard an interesting program from MV Baltic. He is not really a pirate but he sounds like. He was talking very sensible about living in Eastern Germany and played a nice song about what he talked: “The Horst Krüger Bandâ€


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 13:25 pm
by freebird
Hello Andy,

very interesting thoughts. You developed Axel´s ideas in the right direction. Thank you for that.
Dictatorship is very far away for most people in Europe. I think most people agree with you but they do not see the reason to think about for today. I do hope we will have no reason to think about tomorrow.


Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 07:51 am
by merlin
Hi Andy
In the early 90s we used to relay four freedoms world service,and so did a few others stations .
The programes where very political .The reasons we dont anymore is the fact that the powers in charge will not tollerate them even today.
We where raided almost strieght away,and charge with 22 offences ,lost my job over it lost my house over it then fined £10,000 pound ,and ended up fighting in court for 10 years from 1994 until 2004 .
Thats why merlin took so long to return tp broadcasting .All our djs shit them selfs and left the station.We where being watched for 3 mounths .They even new all of our cars even the petrol stations we filled up in.The station was also being monitored by MI5 from bulldock.
If a free radio was on the air in a dictatorship it would be closed down and eveyone would be shot
paul watt

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 08:45 am
by Jock Wilson
What you said just illustrates how seriously the UK government takes broadcasts of a political nature.
In fact, there's no way low power pirate broadcasts could ever spawn a revolution in the UK. But the law is the law, and if someone is caught breaking it , he (or she) has no choice but to face the consequences, no matter how severe they may be.
I remember tuning in regularly to Radio Enoch on short wave in the early 80's. The kind of rubbish they were broadcasting was not at all a threat to British officialdom due to the low transmission power and the unpopularity of short wave listening among the general public as a whole. Yet the authorities tried very hard to catch the perpretators. If caught, they would have been very harshly dealt with, that's for sure!

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 22:18 pm
by Andy Richards
Guys,you all make the point very well.

Politics and Pirate Radio do not mix..........if you want to continue broadcasting.
The authorities will clamp down very hard on any station with a political agenda,even if they are very low power and are heard by very few people.
However,if your country was being run by a dictatorial or oppresive government,either from within your country or from abroad,I feel you would be within your moral rights to broadcast political views.
But as Jock says,the risks would be very high..........
But people have risked more for less in times of oppression.

Andy Richards.

Hello Freedom lovers

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:40 pm
by freebird
From Amsterdam to Minsk it is 1519km only. From London to the capital of European dictatorship 1874km only.
I think Free Radio is very popular in Belarus. They all listen to the BBC, Deutsche Welle or to foreign TV.

Good reception
