This is just a long shot, but has anybody got any idea who this might be ...

At 05.35 utc this morning 24th,Sept.04 - working on a frequency of 3869.8 kHz (AM), I heard a period of jazz mx (about 10 minutes) followed by an Italian announcer. (sinpo:45445). Main content of speach was basically "Hello, hello..." ect... and the word "attentioni", repeated. (My Italian ain't good enough to comment any more on any further content).
Whoever it was switched to "USB" for a few moments before closing down at about 05.42 utc...
No discernable ID was heard.
I would imagine that this is just some geezer mucking about with an amateur tranceiver, but I'd be interested to know if anybody's got any ideas...

(As I said... "It's just a 'long shot'.")

73's ... Robin Banneville
Chan. Isles. (UK)