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Coast Mountain Radio

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 06:28 am
by Glowbug
We'll have a 22 minute test broadcast tomorrow, the 31st (New Year's Eve, western hemisphere) beginning sometime between 0000 and 0100 UT on 5275 KHz.

Due to weather, outdoor antenna will not be possible at this time. We'll just have to do our best.


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 01:39 am
by Glowbug
Broadcast complete at 0023 UTC.

Lots of CanCon along with a few studio oopsies (RF + laptops do not mix!!).

Happy New Year!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 08:42 am
by JoJo
Ow I read this to late, but hope you had some fun?
RF + laptops do not mix!
Ha you need some ferrit-clamps around the cables.

Good luck for next time, hope you will have the antenna fixed?
Musb be a tube tx :?: :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 08:52 am
by Glowbug
Hi JoJo,

I think the ferrites might help some, but the antenna was in the room :shock:

We've had some nasty snow recently and stringing a wire outside was nigh impossible unless one had insulated hip waders :lol:
(it was supposed to be all gone by broadcast day)

I had fun, yeah. First SW broadcast since I was 14... that was 26 years ago!

My permanent TX will be tube... this one was a QRP transistor rig built on a challenge :twisted:


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 19:17 pm
by Jan II
Hello DJ Glowbug and Mighty Coast Mountain Radio!

I was digging on 5275 kHz at 0000 but ](*,).
Next new years eve I will catch you with the new tubetx :pirate-great:

Eh... is the raincoast in BC? I have a lot of relatives in the Vancouver-area. Are you my cousine? :P



Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 21:58 pm
by Glowbug
Hi Jan,

Thanks for trying! My antenna sucked, so I'll blame that :lol:

Yup! I am close to Vancouver and my heritage on my dad's side is from Netherlands... it is possible :ahowy:
