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Westcoast Finland-log December 27 & 28

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 20:41 pm
by Jan II
27.12 Saturday
The radioconditions still suffering from the breakdown on friday afternoon. Better and better signals during the evening...

3900 1845 Mystery Radio had an own prerecorded ID for this frequency: "3-9-0-0 Mystery Radio!" 35433
3905 1701 Bluestar Radio played Bangles some minutes later. Still on the frequency at 1925. 35333
4024,6 1922 Laser Hot Hits with christmasmusic. 25333
5800 1908 PlayBack International with a strong christmasfeeling. Had to play "Rudolf the rednosed reindeer". Hoo hoo JJ!! 25322
6202,5 0952 Bluestar Radio was my house-station this morning. Other stations to weak to identify. Still heard here 1035. 35333
6220 2354 Mystery Radio back on normal frequency with a supersignal. 45544
6298,9 1133 Bluestar Radio popped up here this time. Sign off 1159 leaving 48 mb empty. Probably with most transmittingtime of all stations this christmas(?) :pirate-great: 25322
6991,2 2335 Bank69 Radio with experimental rhytmmusic, sometimes almost jazz. UK-english DJ heard over the music now and then. Around 0020 announcement: "...closing down at 1 o´clock." In Hungary (and Finland) the time was 0220, so perhaps this was a relay of something from UK? 25433

28.12 Sunday
Many stations on the air and some of them also made it up here to the north. When I look at the very long logs from Iann, ukdxer etc, I see that I simply heard the stations with a lot of power, but not the weaker stations.

3945 2114 unid with a long recording of ABC Radio from 1977. Was FRS Holland still here at this hour, or something from UK? 23332 and some splash from 3955.
4024,6 2130 Laser Hot Hits ending a song with Turtles. Continued with Steppenwolf. 35433
5800 2054 PlayBack International was "Dancing in the street". Better signal this evening. 35433
5820 0917 Radio Tina behind the microphone in Orion Radios studio. First time I hear the voice of Tina. Nice. 35433 when listening in USB. AM and LSB impossible because of strong morse on the frequency.
6210 1128 Radio Borderhunter with some classic rock. Talked about a telephonecall from Ireland. Abrupt off in the middle of an announcement 1142. 35333
6220 0844 FRS Holland with the annual broadcast. Telling us about milestones in pirate history at this hour. 35444
6255 1000 Radio Telstar South with golden oldies. Real rock'n'roll-enthusiasts behind this station. :pirate-great: 25333 at this hour, perhaps a little better signal at 1410.
6260 0903 Radio Boemerang with Bangles. Asking for QSO " you receive this tiny signal". No problems: 45444+. Sign off 0915.
6260,8 1343 Radio Kakadu with a little rough sound and hard to copy the talking. Drowned completely when CVC on 6260 started 1400. 25422
6265 0957 Premier Radio with John Lennons christmassong. Heard all morning but weak. 25322
6280,2 0838 Radio Merlin also heard all morning and also all afternoon. Weak but did not fade much. 25343
6284,9 0855 unid but others have logged Dance Radio 992 here. What is that? Dancefloor disco all the way. At 0945 I decided to concentrate on this unidentified knowing Korea would be on soon. At 0953 there was a loud tone and the programme was off. Didn´t come back and from 1000 Korea... Obviously this station knew Korea was waiting around the corner. 35444
6300 1018 Shadowman playing music. ID at 1025. Strong signal as usual. 45444
6300 1145 Radio Golfbreker identified by the SMS-number at this hour. Weak dutch music heard through the afternoon, perhaps Golfbreker with a long programme? 25322
6325 1038 Radio Quintus with an announcement over polkamusic. 25333
6325 1312 Supersound Radio "from the Potsdam area" with a long row of well known rock- and pophits. Sign off 1430. 35433
6400 1430 FRS Holland Good reception at this hour when Pyongyang was off. 35433
6553,1 1009 Radio Galaxy with a spooky announcement: "the frequency is 6400 kilohertz" followed by music from Ghost busters. After that MASH, then Star Wars etc. Interesting stationprofile... 35343
6925 2044 Spider Radio and "Jingle bell rock". Sign off 2101. 35433
6991,2 2145 Bank69 Radio weak with music and talking. Should in fact be "unid", but Bank69 is always unid... 15421

+ a bunch of unids on 48 mb

Radio: NRD 525G
Antenna: same old cupperwire out from the window, 20 metres long.

Thank you all stations for these piratedays over the christmas - I have never heard this many stations day after day before. Mama mia!



Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 06:48 am
by JoJo
Thanks Jan for the log.
Happy New Year :!:

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 05:24 am
by Kemenes
Hello Jan.

First of all, happy new year to you and all members of the forum.

The saturday night programme was some archive shows of Kool FM Midlands from the UK from 1999. That was a sunday night broadcast and they closed down at one o'clock.
The sunday night signal was also Bank69, thanks for the logs. :)

Greetings, Peter