24.12 Wednesday
6264,6 0852 Radio Altrex was playing ABBA and greeting listeners. No other morningstation heard. Christmasmusic later. 35333
Christmasevening & night 24-25.12:
3899,9 2129 Crazy Wave Radio played all kind of music (except christmasmusic). Still on air 0047 when I signed off... 35333
3910,4 0020 SW Radio was announcing the mailaddress often this night. Christmasmusic. 35333
3930 2343 unid and very interesting german station. Still on air one hour later, playing the same kind of music all the way. A kind of american soft "funky soul". Talked german and ID sounded like "17 Radio" or something like that. Who was this?
4024,6 0029 Laser Hot Hits "La Isla Bonita" heard deep under the russian SSB-people that often use this frequency. 22332
5800 2236 PlayBack International relaying somebody. Christmasmusic. Still heard two hours later. 25322
6940 2220 Radio Geronimo found here when I was looking for american pirates. Was talking about Alex in Harpers Ferry. Geronimo was impressed by his EU-logs. 35443
6959,7 2052 Bluestar Radio with schlagers this early. More rock late in the evening. Still on air four hours later. 25422, later 35433
25.12 Thursday (Christmasday)
6200 0953 Bluestar Radio with Johnny Cash. Another station under. 24322
6210 0945 Radio East Coast Holland was playing old pop and gave out SMS-number. Also here a weaker station under. 44444
6220 0938 Skyline Radio Germany announced his postaddress to Holland. 35333
6240 0934 Misti Radio surprised me here. Mailaddress and SMS-number heard, after that sign off I think. Not much signal, just over the noice-level, but good anyway for 8 watts... 15322
6265 0942 Antonio Radio gave the SMS-number and said this was a testtransmission. 35333
6310 1013 Radio Condor playing his speciality trancedance. 24433
6376,7 0923 Radio Dutchwing with John Lennons christmassong. Sign off 0925. 25433
6424,6 0918 Radio Pionier and the prerecorded ID/mailaddress in english. 35433
6220 1522 Mystery Radio with automatic programme and disco. 25333
6310 1516 Radio Mistletoe Christmasmusic. 25333
3899,9 1929 Crazy Wave Radio again with a long programme. Still on air after 2300. Slides beautifully between german and english... 35333
3910,4 2225 SW Pirate and a lot of christmasmusic. 25332
3930 2122 Radio Mistletoe signed on at this hour. Sign off 2222 after exactly one hour. Greetings to Ramona, Scirocco, Marcel in France, Dr Tim, Borderhunter... (Before 2122 I was listening to a weak musicstation on 3932,2. After Mistletoes sign off it was gone.) 35333
4024,6 2247 Laser Hot Hits Popmusic. 25322
6220 2317 Mystery Radio strong in the evening. Nonstop music/IDs -programme was on. 35444
6925 2016 Spider Radio with mostly christmasmusic until sign off at 2101. USB and 25443
26.12 Friday (Boxingday)
3930 0932 Antonio Radio with schlager and polka. Later greetings to Klaus in Germany and Iann in France. 25333
4024,6 0952 Laser Hot Hits weak with talk and music. 25322
5800 0927 PlayBack International with nonstop programme going on. Peaceful music. 25333
6210 0959 Radio Mistletoe with the same programme as the evening before. Good reception! 35433
6220 1005 Radio Marabu talking in german. 35433
6255 1057 Radio Telstar South wishing Merry Christmas. 25422
6259,7 0840 Radio Paardenkracht and "Yes sir I can boogy". Still on air two hours later. 35433
6282 0901 Voice of the Netherlands was the strongest station in the morning. Sign off 0904. 45444
6291,1 0905 Radio Jingle Bells was playing sweet latinosongs. Mentioned Helmut Lotti. Way he singing or was he the DJ...heh..? 25322
6300 1011 Radio Optimod with a "computer-ID" between the songs. As strong as VOTN. 45444
6310 0841 Radio Lowland with dutch music, later also christmasmusic. Still on air two hours later. 35433
6424,6 0853 Radio Pionier has been very active lately on his own frequency. Popmusic. 35443
6550 1110 unid station with dutch schlager. Didn´t hear any announcements. Faded away after 1125. 25422
4024,6 1727 Britain Radio International with a christmasprogramme. Ended 1738 and Laser Hot Hits continued with a Colin Dixon-show. Also this was a christmasprogramme. 35333 but faded away after 1830.
6325 1502 unid with nonstop german songs. 35433 at this hour but faded away completely after 1545. Not one singel announcement.
6440 1438 Radio Casanova was a new experience for me. The superpower this Christmas !!! 45544 on a clear frequency. Thanks to the guys on Ianns chat who were mentioning Casanova. After a minute I was at the radio and listening. Pity I don´t have radio and computer in the same room or even on the same floor...
Good this christmas is soon over so we will have some real music again. It has been very much Hoo Hoo and klokken klingelingeling these days...
I become nostalgic when I remember RFL´s and Zodiac´s rockshows some weeks ago...
Radio: NRD 525G
Antenna: cupperwire to the tree 20 metres away from the house.
Now it is time for a dark and strong winterbeer, perhaps a Chimay...
Westcoast Finland-log, 24-26 December
Moderator: Moderators group
- General Trouble maker
- Posts: 131
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 20:52 pm
- Location: Jakobstad, west coast Finland
It has been almost too much piratelistening up in my radioroom upstairs now. My family never see me. Luckily the radioweather crashed today afternoon so I got some time to write this log.
My wife and daugters had also some comments about my listening today, so I think I will keep a low profile now for some days... Buy them some candy... Make a snowman with them...
Hoo Hoo
It has been almost too much piratelistening up in my radioroom upstairs now. My family never see me. Luckily the radioweather crashed today afternoon so I got some time to write this log.
My wife and daugters had also some comments about my listening today, so I think I will keep a low profile now for some days... Buy them some candy... Make a snowman with them...
Hoo Hoo