London Calling.
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 19:54 pm
We English are famous for talking about the weather.But I have noticed that it is a favourite subject for The Dutch too.Something else we share in common!
The weather in London today was Sunshine,clear blue skies and very cold............The frost had not all melted by 1200,despite the sunshine.
Conditions on SW were strange today too.Signals were dropping in and out very quickly.
Two examples;
Radio Borderhunter was coming in with a huge signal at 1155.At 1200 it sounded like he had gone off air.Yet he was back by 1215 as strong as ever.
Radio Brandaris seemed to have just come on air at 0910 with a really good signal.In fact he was just closing down........
I wonder how long he had been on air and inaudible with me?
As I have explained above,signals came up and down today and it was hard to measure how good a signal really was.
Mystery were crashing in early this morning,but weaker later.
Playback seemed to get stronger during the morning..................
Nice to hear Radio Ramona for the first time in ages!
Who was my UNID on 6215?So strong I would suspect Shadowman or Boomerang.
Who was my UNID on 6240 playing Barones recordings?
I know Delta Radio is a common name.But the two Delta's I heard this weekend are surely not the same station.24432 & 55544 is a bit different!Any explanations?
Saturday 06/12/08
4025Khz - 0918-0923 - Laser Hot Hits - 25433 - Steve Roberts playing "Blue Moon" & other oldies.
5800Khz - 1405-1410 - Playback Radio Int - 35333 - Blondie.
6205Khz - 1137-1142 - DRP Radio - 35333 - R'n'B.Dance/Pop Music.Later "Rebel Yell".
6210Khz - 0847-0852 - Radio Borderhunter - 45534 - Dutch Music.Fades were deep but very short.Talking about St.Nicholas Day.
6210Khz - 0930-0935 - Radio Borderhunter - 45544 - Robert Miles.
6265Khz - 0855-0900 - Radio Altrex - 34433 - Lots of Van Halen and some very funny chat!
6310Khz - 0900-0905 - Delta Radio? - 24432 - Flock of Seagulls - "I Ran".
6325Khz - 1207-1212 - Radio Monte Carlo - 33333 - Metallica - "Whiskey in the Jar".Genesis.
9290Khz - 0923-0928 - Radio Joystick - 55544 - German.Disco/Dance Music.
9290Khz - 1115-1120 - Radio Waves Int - 55544 - French.Celine Dion & other Francophone Music.
Sunday 07/12/08
3930Khz - 1505-1510 - The Bogusman - 45444 - Usual chat,playing Television.
4025Khz - 0805-0810 - Laser Hot Hits - 24422 - Steve Roberts playing Offshore Radio recordings.
4025Khz - 1120-1125 - Britain Radio Int - Roger Davies playing Christmas songs.
5800Khz - 0812-0817 - Playback Radio Int - 34433 - "Nadine".US Radio recordings.
5815Khz - 0900-0905 - Orion Radio - 35434 - Soft Music.Occasional"Moo's"!!Jo Jo was in a very mellow mood this morning!
Closed at 1039.
6200Khz - 0915-0920 - Radio Dr.Tim - 33433 - French Rock Song.
6205Khz - 1145-1150 - Radio Borderhunter - 45434 - Dance Music.Closed at 1222.
6215Khz - 1207-1212 - UNID - 55434 - Dutch Music.Off at 1217.
6220Khz - 0818-0823 - Mystery Radio - 45434 - Disco Music.
6220Khz - 1040-1045 - Mystery Radio - 33333 - Chris Ise playing "Soul Bossa Nova".
6240Khz - 1100-1105 - UNID - 33333 - Playing recordings of Radio Barones.
6265Khz - 0920-0925 - Premier Radio Int - 25433 - Christmas Songs.Slade.
6285Khz - 0952-0957 - Antonio Radio - 43443 - "Time is Tight".Splatter from 6300.
6300Khz - 0957-1002 - Delta Radio - 55544 - Nice mod.Closed at 1018.
6305Khz - 0910-0914 - Radio Brandaris - 45434 - "Moonlight Shadow".Just closing down.Closed at 0914.
6305Khz - 1020-1025 - Radio Shadowman - 55544 - "Blue Hotel".Superb mod after adjustments.
6310Khz - 1055-1058 - Radio Condor - 43443 - Splatter from 6300.Closed at 1058.
6525Khz - 1034-1039 - Radio Ramona - 25433 - Eddie Floyd.
Andy Richards.
The weather in London today was Sunshine,clear blue skies and very cold............The frost had not all melted by 1200,despite the sunshine.
Conditions on SW were strange today too.Signals were dropping in and out very quickly.
Two examples;
Radio Borderhunter was coming in with a huge signal at 1155.At 1200 it sounded like he had gone off air.Yet he was back by 1215 as strong as ever.
Radio Brandaris seemed to have just come on air at 0910 with a really good signal.In fact he was just closing down........
I wonder how long he had been on air and inaudible with me?
As I have explained above,signals came up and down today and it was hard to measure how good a signal really was.
Mystery were crashing in early this morning,but weaker later.
Playback seemed to get stronger during the morning..................
Nice to hear Radio Ramona for the first time in ages!
Who was my UNID on 6215?So strong I would suspect Shadowman or Boomerang.
Who was my UNID on 6240 playing Barones recordings?
I know Delta Radio is a common name.But the two Delta's I heard this weekend are surely not the same station.24432 & 55544 is a bit different!Any explanations?
Saturday 06/12/08
4025Khz - 0918-0923 - Laser Hot Hits - 25433 - Steve Roberts playing "Blue Moon" & other oldies.
5800Khz - 1405-1410 - Playback Radio Int - 35333 - Blondie.
6205Khz - 1137-1142 - DRP Radio - 35333 - R'n'B.Dance/Pop Music.Later "Rebel Yell".
6210Khz - 0847-0852 - Radio Borderhunter - 45534 - Dutch Music.Fades were deep but very short.Talking about St.Nicholas Day.
6210Khz - 0930-0935 - Radio Borderhunter - 45544 - Robert Miles.
6265Khz - 0855-0900 - Radio Altrex - 34433 - Lots of Van Halen and some very funny chat!
6310Khz - 0900-0905 - Delta Radio? - 24432 - Flock of Seagulls - "I Ran".
6325Khz - 1207-1212 - Radio Monte Carlo - 33333 - Metallica - "Whiskey in the Jar".Genesis.
9290Khz - 0923-0928 - Radio Joystick - 55544 - German.Disco/Dance Music.
9290Khz - 1115-1120 - Radio Waves Int - 55544 - French.Celine Dion & other Francophone Music.
Sunday 07/12/08
3930Khz - 1505-1510 - The Bogusman - 45444 - Usual chat,playing Television.
4025Khz - 0805-0810 - Laser Hot Hits - 24422 - Steve Roberts playing Offshore Radio recordings.
4025Khz - 1120-1125 - Britain Radio Int - Roger Davies playing Christmas songs.
5800Khz - 0812-0817 - Playback Radio Int - 34433 - "Nadine".US Radio recordings.
5815Khz - 0900-0905 - Orion Radio - 35434 - Soft Music.Occasional"Moo's"!!Jo Jo was in a very mellow mood this morning!
Closed at 1039.
6200Khz - 0915-0920 - Radio Dr.Tim - 33433 - French Rock Song.
6205Khz - 1145-1150 - Radio Borderhunter - 45434 - Dance Music.Closed at 1222.
6215Khz - 1207-1212 - UNID - 55434 - Dutch Music.Off at 1217.
6220Khz - 0818-0823 - Mystery Radio - 45434 - Disco Music.
6220Khz - 1040-1045 - Mystery Radio - 33333 - Chris Ise playing "Soul Bossa Nova".
6240Khz - 1100-1105 - UNID - 33333 - Playing recordings of Radio Barones.
6265Khz - 0920-0925 - Premier Radio Int - 25433 - Christmas Songs.Slade.
6285Khz - 0952-0957 - Antonio Radio - 43443 - "Time is Tight".Splatter from 6300.
6300Khz - 0957-1002 - Delta Radio - 55544 - Nice mod.Closed at 1018.
6305Khz - 0910-0914 - Radio Brandaris - 45434 - "Moonlight Shadow".Just closing down.Closed at 0914.
6305Khz - 1020-1025 - Radio Shadowman - 55544 - "Blue Hotel".Superb mod after adjustments.
6310Khz - 1055-1058 - Radio Condor - 43443 - Splatter from 6300.Closed at 1058.
6525Khz - 1034-1039 - Radio Ramona - 25433 - Eddie Floyd.
Andy Richards.