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Pirate Report from Dunlo, PA, USA for 23 November 2008

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 17:34 pm
by Dave Valko
23 November 2008: Other than LHH 4024.6, there were no other stations on the air to gauge conditions when I awoke . It was worth the effort and cold temperature to listen up at the remote site though as at least 14 stations were heard. I probably would have stayed longer than I did had it been warmer and the rechargeable battery not died. Conditions weren’t too bad. Just a little better than last week and almost as good as 26 Oct. Fading was an issue again. Fairly heavy quick fading. The 0.5 – 4.0 Angstrom X-Ray Flux had a small spike at the time I was listening. The MUF was 5 mhz too. There was about 15 cm of snow on the ground. Toes and fingers got cold in the last hour.

ANT: 315' at 50° Beverage (BOG)
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0700-1030 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 69, A Index = 1, K Index = 1. No storms.
WX: Cloudy then clear. Cold, 19° to 11° F. (-5° down to -11° C.)!!

6325.07 R. Lowland 0709 weak mx at start. Definitely C&W-like song at 0722. 0726 “Easy Loverâ€


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 19:40 pm
by lowland
:pirate-great: thanks dave for listening in .
we thank you for the time and work you do for us pirate's.
sorrie for the clod fingers , we wish you a good and warm week.
73 radio lowland / jos

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 19:45 pm
by sciroccoam
Thank you for the Pirelli loging,,,ps i send you an personal message

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 20:30 pm
by JoJo
Thanks Dave for the log, Indeed I started a little later. Because of the cold I couldn't start the power supply but after six times the fuse stays on, that was just after 0800utc. Cold it was, also in the box just 5 degrees at start and only 8 degrees after two hours px, so went in the house for a nice cut off coffee, followed by Hot Chocolate, have a nice week, John

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 21:58 pm
by Radio Scotland
Hi Dave,
Thanks for reporting!
Good to see that-despite the cold conditions-you went out for listening to us, pirates. You'r a hero! :D
(or a snowman)

Re: Pirate Report from Dunlo, PA, USA for 23 November 2008

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 20:14 pm
by Box73
Dave Valko wrote: Toes and fingers got cold in the last hour.
Ha, ha, maybe you should supply more of the battery power to your heating device instead of your receiver. :wink:
Or maybe use a manually driven generator ??

Tnx for excellent work !!

2 stations on 6400

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 21:01 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hello Dave Valko,

On Sunday 23rd of November, you heard not one, but two different stations on 6400 khz approx. I heard that one on 6399.97 (well above 6399,9 for me) with Human League at 8.02, along with a weaker one between 6399.8 and 6399.9 (your signal received on 6399.84). I could not identify either one. With the help of Iann, Jari and Achim, I know that these stations were Island Radio and Radio Baken 16, but these three reporters give only rounded frequencies, so I still don't know which one is which one. (Also Toutatis, Axel, Andy, Foton and Rick reported at least one UNID on 6400 around 8-9 UTC). More details badly needed. Perhaps ISLAND or BAKEN 16 could help ?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 22:21 pm
by Johnno
Hi Dave and Ray.

Island Radio (no ID given on air) did play Ringo Starr "It didn't come easy " on Sunday morning. They also played Led Zep and Human League at some point.