London Calling.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 20:25 pm
I don't think conditions were as good this week as last week.But they were OK anyway.
Fading was the main problem.Rapid fading for some stations.Others suffered slow but very deep fading even fading right out at times.
The "Regulars" were weaker than normal too.LHH was not a patch on last week and PRI were almost inaudible.Mystery were OK though.
Are Mystery Radio relaying Family Radio?If not,who is relaying them on 6220?
Heard Radio Rammstein for the first time today.It's OK,I love Rammstein!!
Radio Altrex was getting a good signal out but struggled to find a nice clear frequency.
VOTN had a nice signal as usual and some nice Rock too.
Radio Brandaris continued to have a good regular signal.Like the voice too!
Radio Paadenkracht playing some nice music with a good signal on 6285 today.
Zender Blackpower was probably the strongest signal of the weekend,just.
The music from Radio Zodiac killed me today though.........."Black" by Pearl Jam is one of my favorite songs,but he followed that with John Fogharty(CCR),The Black Crows,Stiltskin......just too much good music!
Shame about Telstar................I heard them earlier and my guess was that they had probably gone off air.Zodiac came on and by 1115 I could hear Telstar on almost the same frequency as Zodiac.Both stations faded in and out on each other.
Back to Boomerang a few weeks ago.I said it would happen again.It has.
And it will happen again!I hope Zodiac doesn't get a load of nasty e-mails(From idiots) like Boomerang got.
This is impossible to avoid completely.All you can do is to be as careful as possible.
If I had been firing up a TX this morning,I would have gone for 6255 as a clear channel too.Or maybe 6265..........but Premier seemed to be there!
There was a similar problem today with a bunch of weaker stations up on 6310 too.
Who was the English station on 6325?Was it Merlin?
Great to hear The Radio Jackie Story part 3
on EMR.Brought back a load of old memories.But shouldn't it be called the
Radio Kaleidescope Story?
Anyway.Good listening seems to be here and it looks set to get better!!
Saturday 15/11/08
4025Khz - 0920-0925 - Laser Hot Hits - 25443 - "Blackberry Way","All or nothing".
5800Khz - 0925-0930 - Playback Radio Int - 24332.
6215Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio King Shortwave - 34433 - "Like a Hurricane".Later "True Colours".
6220Khz - 1445-1446 - Family Radio - 45434 - Father Camping phone in show.Yes,I know this is not
a Pirate!But was it being relayed by Mystery Radio?
6240Khz - 1000-1005 - Radio Altrex - 32333 - Rory Gallagher.
6270Khz - 0910-0915 - Radio Altrex - 32332 - Heavy beacon interference.
6300Khz - 1010-1015 - Radio Condor? - 45434 - Techno/Dance music.
6310Khz - 1005-1010 - DRP Radio? - 23433 - "Where did our love go?".
6310Khz - 1435-1440 - Zender Blackpower - 43443 - U2,"Pop Musik" by M.Hitting 54444.Off at 1442.
6310Khz - 1442-1444 - Grensstad Radio - 32432 - "Reet Petite".Interference from Russian language prog.
6375Khz - 1022-1027 - Radio Dutchwing - 43443 - Elvis.Utility interference.Closed at 1030 to listen
to Radio Pioneer.
Sunday 16/11/08
4025Khz - 0827-0832 - Laser Hot Hits - 34422 - Disco music.
5800Khz - 0833-0838 - Playback Radio Int - 25422.
5815Khz - 0822-0827 - Orion Radio - 45444 - "We love the Pirate stations",Pirate News,Dutch song.
6140Khz - 1303-1308 - European Music Radio - 55534 - 70's Soul song,Argent.The Radio Jackie Story Part 3.
6210Khz - 0915-0920 - Antonio Radio - 44434 - "Your mama don't dance"(Little Feat?),"My Girl".
6220Khz - 0838-0843 - Mystery Radio - 43433.
6220Khz - 0910-0915 - Radio Bluebell(Via Mystery) - 43433 - German.Country and Country Rock music.
6220Khz - 1010-1015 - Mystery Radio - 43433 - Chris Ise in English & German.Disco music.
6240Khz - 1045-1050 - Voice of the Netherlands - 44434 - "Twisting the night away","Mac the knife" then
mainly Rock music.
6255Khz - 0843-0848 - Radio Telstar South - 24422 - "The Golden Boys" intro to show.Lost signal soon after.
Went off air or just faded out?
6255Khz - 1050-1055 - Radio Zodiac Int - 45444 - Martin playing AC/DC,Pearl Jam,John Fogharty,Kings of
Leon,Black Crows,Anouk,Johnny Guitar Watson,Earth,Wind & Fire & Stiltskin.Closed at 1202.
6255Khz - 1115-1120 - Radio Zodiac/Radio Telstar - both on almost the same frequency fading in and out on
top of each other.Slight het,so not on the same frequency.
6255Khz - 1202-1207 - Radio Telstar South - 33333 - Oldies.Music from the 50's,60's and 70's.
6265Khz - 0925-0930 - Premier Radio Int? - 24432 - "Go your own way","All or nothing".Off at 1058?
6285Khz - 0848-0853 - Radio Paadenkracht - 45444 - "Honky Tonk Woman","Venus"."Music for everyone
from the Central Nederlands".
6300Khz - 1100-1105 - Radio Brandaris Int - 45434 - Mix of Pop music.Closed at 1235.
6310Khz - 0832-0833 - Zender Blackpower - 55434 - Dutch music.Off at 0833.
6310Khz - 0930-0935 - Rammstein Radio - 34433 - "Du Hast" followed by more Rammstein!!
6310Khz - 1125-1130 - Grensstad Radio - 33433 - Just closing down.
6325Khz - 0950-0955 - Radio Waves Int - 25332.
6325Khz - 1157-1202 - Radio Merlin Int? - 33333 - English.Pirate news.Sixties music.
9290Khz - 0853-0858 - Radio Waves Int - 55544 - Mix of music.Programme ended at 0900.
Andy Richards.
Fading was the main problem.Rapid fading for some stations.Others suffered slow but very deep fading even fading right out at times.
The "Regulars" were weaker than normal too.LHH was not a patch on last week and PRI were almost inaudible.Mystery were OK though.
Are Mystery Radio relaying Family Radio?If not,who is relaying them on 6220?
Heard Radio Rammstein for the first time today.It's OK,I love Rammstein!!
Radio Altrex was getting a good signal out but struggled to find a nice clear frequency.
VOTN had a nice signal as usual and some nice Rock too.
Radio Brandaris continued to have a good regular signal.Like the voice too!
Radio Paadenkracht playing some nice music with a good signal on 6285 today.
Zender Blackpower was probably the strongest signal of the weekend,just.
The music from Radio Zodiac killed me today though.........."Black" by Pearl Jam is one of my favorite songs,but he followed that with John Fogharty(CCR),The Black Crows,Stiltskin......just too much good music!
Shame about Telstar................I heard them earlier and my guess was that they had probably gone off air.Zodiac came on and by 1115 I could hear Telstar on almost the same frequency as Zodiac.Both stations faded in and out on each other.
Back to Boomerang a few weeks ago.I said it would happen again.It has.
And it will happen again!I hope Zodiac doesn't get a load of nasty e-mails(From idiots) like Boomerang got.
This is impossible to avoid completely.All you can do is to be as careful as possible.
If I had been firing up a TX this morning,I would have gone for 6255 as a clear channel too.Or maybe 6265..........but Premier seemed to be there!
There was a similar problem today with a bunch of weaker stations up on 6310 too.
Who was the English station on 6325?Was it Merlin?
Great to hear The Radio Jackie Story part 3
on EMR.Brought back a load of old memories.But shouldn't it be called the
Radio Kaleidescope Story?
Anyway.Good listening seems to be here and it looks set to get better!!
Saturday 15/11/08
4025Khz - 0920-0925 - Laser Hot Hits - 25443 - "Blackberry Way","All or nothing".
5800Khz - 0925-0930 - Playback Radio Int - 24332.
6215Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio King Shortwave - 34433 - "Like a Hurricane".Later "True Colours".
6220Khz - 1445-1446 - Family Radio - 45434 - Father Camping phone in show.Yes,I know this is not
a Pirate!But was it being relayed by Mystery Radio?
6240Khz - 1000-1005 - Radio Altrex - 32333 - Rory Gallagher.
6270Khz - 0910-0915 - Radio Altrex - 32332 - Heavy beacon interference.
6300Khz - 1010-1015 - Radio Condor? - 45434 - Techno/Dance music.
6310Khz - 1005-1010 - DRP Radio? - 23433 - "Where did our love go?".
6310Khz - 1435-1440 - Zender Blackpower - 43443 - U2,"Pop Musik" by M.Hitting 54444.Off at 1442.
6310Khz - 1442-1444 - Grensstad Radio - 32432 - "Reet Petite".Interference from Russian language prog.
6375Khz - 1022-1027 - Radio Dutchwing - 43443 - Elvis.Utility interference.Closed at 1030 to listen
to Radio Pioneer.
Sunday 16/11/08
4025Khz - 0827-0832 - Laser Hot Hits - 34422 - Disco music.
5800Khz - 0833-0838 - Playback Radio Int - 25422.
5815Khz - 0822-0827 - Orion Radio - 45444 - "We love the Pirate stations",Pirate News,Dutch song.
6140Khz - 1303-1308 - European Music Radio - 55534 - 70's Soul song,Argent.The Radio Jackie Story Part 3.
6210Khz - 0915-0920 - Antonio Radio - 44434 - "Your mama don't dance"(Little Feat?),"My Girl".
6220Khz - 0838-0843 - Mystery Radio - 43433.
6220Khz - 0910-0915 - Radio Bluebell(Via Mystery) - 43433 - German.Country and Country Rock music.
6220Khz - 1010-1015 - Mystery Radio - 43433 - Chris Ise in English & German.Disco music.
6240Khz - 1045-1050 - Voice of the Netherlands - 44434 - "Twisting the night away","Mac the knife" then
mainly Rock music.
6255Khz - 0843-0848 - Radio Telstar South - 24422 - "The Golden Boys" intro to show.Lost signal soon after.
Went off air or just faded out?
6255Khz - 1050-1055 - Radio Zodiac Int - 45444 - Martin playing AC/DC,Pearl Jam,John Fogharty,Kings of
Leon,Black Crows,Anouk,Johnny Guitar Watson,Earth,Wind & Fire & Stiltskin.Closed at 1202.
6255Khz - 1115-1120 - Radio Zodiac/Radio Telstar - both on almost the same frequency fading in and out on
top of each other.Slight het,so not on the same frequency.
6255Khz - 1202-1207 - Radio Telstar South - 33333 - Oldies.Music from the 50's,60's and 70's.
6265Khz - 0925-0930 - Premier Radio Int? - 24432 - "Go your own way","All or nothing".Off at 1058?
6285Khz - 0848-0853 - Radio Paadenkracht - 45444 - "Honky Tonk Woman","Venus"."Music for everyone
from the Central Nederlands".
6300Khz - 1100-1105 - Radio Brandaris Int - 45434 - Mix of Pop music.Closed at 1235.
6310Khz - 0832-0833 - Zender Blackpower - 55434 - Dutch music.Off at 0833.
6310Khz - 0930-0935 - Rammstein Radio - 34433 - "Du Hast" followed by more Rammstein!!
6310Khz - 1125-1130 - Grensstad Radio - 33433 - Just closing down.
6325Khz - 0950-0955 - Radio Waves Int - 25332.
6325Khz - 1157-1202 - Radio Merlin Int? - 33333 - English.Pirate news.Sixties music.
9290Khz - 0853-0858 - Radio Waves Int - 55544 - Mix of music.Programme ended at 0900.
Andy Richards.