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WNKR 1476 KHz

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 00:29 am
by Dave
Just to remind everyone that WNKR broadcasts on 1476 KHz every Saturday through until the Monday morning.
Recent broadcasts have been heard in Germany on just a portable, have a listen, you never know, you may hear us!
Find out more at


Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 22:37 pm
by Andy Richards

Believe me I try every weekend.

I like WNKR,all it tries to do and the whole "Outlaws" character of the station.

Living in NW.London I am probably about 30 miles away from your TX site
but have not heard a thing for the last few weeks.

I have heard you before on MW,but a long time ago.

Have to say that I usually can hear Enigma's occasional broadcasts.

Are they closer to me or do they run more power?

Back in my days(Old man talking here!) and actually,back in your days too!It was never expected that a signal from a typical MW Pirate could get right across London.I still think it is rarely possible.

Except maybe at night........when you get interference on 1476.

Maybe a different frequency would get better results?


Andy Richards.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 16:09 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Hi Andy,

Best times to cstch WNKR on 1476 is on mornings, at dawn (or maybe in the middle of the night). Don't expect anything when Vienna (Austria) is transmitting with high power. So that leaves mainly early Sunday and Monday mornings.

Maybe yout main problem is spash from very high power station on 1458 kHz near to you. So you should use a loop carefully oriented against this pest with too much passband..

Hope this helps.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 22:33 pm
by Andy Richards
Hi Ray,

Thanks for the advice.

You are right about 1458khz,but I can get around that and actually they don't splash too much anyway.

The main problem for me is Vienna and the fact that I am rarely up that
late(Or that early!) to catch WNKR when Vienna are off the air.

Maybe I will try that when I have some time off and don't have to worry about getting up in the morning!!

Andy Richards.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:11 am
by Dave
Strange isn't it, the way the signals go.
The web rx in Bedfordshire gets the 1476 signal at S9+ most weekends and I know that you can go down to the south coast towards Hastings etc and still hear us on a portable!
I know that when I drive up the M25 from the Dartford crossing heading north, that the signal is rock solid until I go into the Holmesdale tunnel but when I come out the other side of it there's nothing but splash from 1458.
If the car radio was a bit more selective it might help!


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 23:12 pm
by Andy Richards
Hi Dave,

I think that signal attenuation from buildings is the greatest problem here.
London is such a mass of bricks,mortar,concrete & metal that it just absorbs radio waves.
Get a good clear bit of countryside(Or sea) between TX & RX and signals seem to travel for miles.
But it's not just as simple as that is it?As you pointed out in your post.
Anyway,good luck with your transmissions,I hope you are getting good feedback and I will keep least I can listen on the web........but despite the good quality of the webstream I would still prefer to hear you on the radio.
Or am I just being a silly old git?(Don't answer that!)

Andy Richards.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 19:38 pm
by jan
I think that signal attenuation from buildings is the greatest problem here.
London is such a mass of bricks,mortar,concrete & metal that it just absorbs radio waves.
Yes correct, try a Mag loop or place the receiving antenna as high as posssible above the roof.
Back in my days(Old man talking here!) and actually,back in your days too!It was never expected that a signal from a typical MW Pirate could get right across London.I still think it is rarely possible
I think it should be possible, but only the sky wave, and not the ground wave
Best time the night and use a antenna that give a good skywave
Recent broadcasts have been heard in Germany on just a portable
In the night i do receive WNKR on a car stereo, but be coarse the fading only bits and pieces.
At home some times S9+20 peak signal strenght

greetings jan

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 20:18 pm
by Andy Richards
Thanks to your help guys I heard WNKR this weekend!!!!!!

Sat 15/11/08 - 1476Khz - 1455-1500 - 24352.Steve Underground mentioning
Dave Martin & Andy Walker plus their website.

Sun 16/11/08 - 1476Khz - 0955-1000 - 25352.Jazzy piano tune,WNKR jingle,
jazzy ballad.

OK.It wasn't that strong,but it was a pretty clear frequency with very little
noise,so it was quite clear.And of course,no fading!!

Andy Richards.