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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 22:01 pm
by Andy Richards
Conditions were strange this weekend,my radios were making odd noises..........
Glad I got up early this morning as 48m was working well before 0830.
Good signals fromm LHH,PRI,Orion and especially Mystery.
Radio Brandaris with a nice clear signal this week.
Pile up of at least 3 stations on 6325.
Is it Rock'n'Roll week this week?Lots of Rock'n'Roll heard.
Amazing mix of music on Radio Waves Int.
I liked all the instrumentals on KBC too.
Best signal of the weekend goes to Mystery Radio.
Orion,Merlin & Brandaris all a good second.

Saturday 01/11/08

4025Khz - 0930-0935 - Laser Hot Hits - 35333 - Beatles,Monkees.
5800Khz - 0935-0940 - Playback Radio Int - 35333 - Disco Music.
6055Khz - 2202-2207 - KBC - 55435 - "Outa space","Telstar","Hawaii 5-0 theme".
6210Khz - 0940-0945 - UNID - 35333 - Rock'n'Roll song,Country song.
6250Khz - 1002-1007 - UNID - 34333 - "Black Betty"(Disco version).
9290Khz - 0945-0950 - Radio Joystick - 55434 - German.Electronic music.Off at 1000.

Sunday 02/11/08

4025Khz - 0750-0755 - Laser Hot Hits - 35444 - "Big Fanny".
5800Khz - 0912-0917 - Playback Radio Int - 35333 - U2.Much later "Hashpipe".
5815Khz - 0755-0800 - Orion Radio - 45434 - Dutch music at first then a mix of music
till first talk at 0814.Closed at 0900.
6210Khz - 0835-0840 - Atlantic 2000? - 35433 - Beatles medley(Stars on 45?).
6210Khz - 0950-0955 - UNID - 35433 - Rock'n'Roll music.
6210Khz - 1305-1310 - Free Radio Victoria? - 35433 - Captain Sensible.Young child talking.
6220Khz - 0800-0805 - Mystery Radio - 55434 - Disco Music.
6220Khz - 0907-0912 - FRS Holland - 45334 - Music & Radio chat.
6220Khz - 1215-1220 - FRS Holland - 45434 - Genesis.
6220Khz - 1310-1315 - Mystery Radio 43433 - Chris Ise live?In English & German.Rock.
6265Khz - 0945-0950 - Premier Radio Int? - 25332 - "Freebird".
6280Khz - 1035-1040 - Radio Merlin Int - 44333 - Rush,Rose Tattoo,AC/DC.
6290Khz - 1050-1055 - Halloween Radio? - 24332 - German?
6305Khz - 0925-0930 - Radio Brandaris Int - 44333 - Meatloaf.
6310Khz - 0828-0833 - UNID - 35333 - Gypsy Kings,ballad.
6325Khz - 1045-1050 - UNID - 33332 - Dillinger - "Cocaine".(Two stations here?).
6325Khz - 1100-1102 - Delta Radio? - 44444 - "I put a spell on you".Flattened the other two stations.
6400Khz - 0955-1000 - Radio Caroline Eiffel - 25433 - "See ya later alligator".German and English.
9290Khz - 0900-0905 - Radio Waves Int - 55545 - French music at first then a very wide
range of music.Till 1000.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 20:34 pm
by JoJo
Hello Andy, thanks again for the log, much appreciated ;)