Pirate Report from Dunlo, PA, USA. 26 October 2008
Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 19:39 pm
This time a report exclusively from my own QTH!!!!
26 October 2008: Mystery R. was a little stronger than it has been when I awoke at 0615 UTC. The propagation wasn’t stormy, but the A Index was low and the MUF around the pole was down to 6 mhz. So I was undecided whether to go up to the remote site to listen or not. In the end, I figured I’d go. It was a good decision. Conditions were only fair, but still better than about 90% of the Sunday mornings in the past 4 years!! Managed to log over a dozen stations. It was rather fady. Very quiet though. The Summer noise was gone. Took the NRD instead of the E1 this time.
ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at about 50°.
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0657-1020 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 68, A Index = 1, K Index = 2 No storms
WX: Starry sky. Cool, 38° F. (4° C.)
6240.38 Old Time R. 0704 end of song then long anmnt apparently in Finnish by M w/Eisenach addr and poss. e-mail, then unrecog. song. 0712 ID and voice-over anmnt in same lang. 0720 M again briefly sounding like a listener acknowledgement. 0729 anmnt w/ment of “.comâ€
26 October 2008: Mystery R. was a little stronger than it has been when I awoke at 0615 UTC. The propagation wasn’t stormy, but the A Index was low and the MUF around the pole was down to 6 mhz. So I was undecided whether to go up to the remote site to listen or not. In the end, I figured I’d go. It was a good decision. Conditions were only fair, but still better than about 90% of the Sunday mornings in the past 4 years!! Managed to log over a dozen stations. It was rather fady. Very quiet though. The Summer noise was gone. Took the NRD instead of the E1 this time.
ANT: 315' Beverage (BOG) at about 50°.
QTH: Pennsylvania State Game Lands #26
Duration: 0657-1020 UTC
Solar Indices: Solar Flux = 68, A Index = 1, K Index = 2 No storms
WX: Starry sky. Cool, 38° F. (4° C.)
6240.38 Old Time R. 0704 end of song then long anmnt apparently in Finnish by M w/Eisenach addr and poss. e-mail, then unrecog. song. 0712 ID and voice-over anmnt in same lang. 0720 M again briefly sounding like a listener acknowledgement. 0729 anmnt w/ment of “.comâ€