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Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 20:39 pm
by Paul Watt
Hello everyone Im sad to say that one of our DJS has taken his own life early hours Monday morning as far as i can find out right now.This was one of the reasons RMI has not been back on shortwave he has not been well since xmas .We ask essex police for help but as it was me they done nothing on behalf of all of the staff at radio merlin and friends of stephen jones you will hbe missed by us all .This could of all been stopped if essex police did not treat me as a outlaw .In memory of steve we will be back on am and fm 24/7 there needs to be a public radio station in the UK that is not run by the goverment the lets us all have a voice and perhaps these so called big wigs will hear what the people really think of the way our country is run ,and take note we will never give up our right to broadcast .I thought back in 2004 and they had left us a lone I was wrong we are back in court again on the 20 th sept 2005 .RMI returns on FM within the next few days because I dont care anymore yours a very upset paul watt
ps they call me the air wave vandel you anit seen nothing yet


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 22:31 pm
by silentkey radio
silent key is perhaps an inappropriate name at this time, or perhaps appropriate. go for it. you are not an outlaw. Remember, it's not just what we do. it's having a valid reason for what we do. When I woke up this morning the goverment didn't own the air I breathed. Neither did they own anything else the atmosphere does. In a worse case, we loan the airspace for a while, but they can't own it. ever!

RIP to your friend and make what you do next a fitting memorial


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 22:44 pm
by silentkeyradio
and don,t forget you might have a defence under the human rights act and i am paraphrasing disemminate information without government interference..ask your brief to look at it but I believe that it might blow holes in the WTA and the MOI in the UK
good luck


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 19:47 pm
by paul watt
Many thanks for your kind words ,You would not believe what has been going on eversince 1994 there are a few that know the hole story.Perhaps one day I will be able to tell everyone even the local CID came round my house and told me if I want the authrotiy to leave me alone then I should take all my papers on radio and burn them I have this all on tape they taxed RMI 10,000 pound but we never paid it and never will we return on FM in about two days time ,and hope that we will return on SW as soon as its possible the hold up on SW is that ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL owe me money that I paid them when I worked for them and its taken since 1996 and there are still no signes of getting it we have a great TX site had it since 1997 the best we have ever had and a very powerful SW TX .The first FM programe is dedicated to steve we ask the police for help 9 times but they did nothing he would still be here if they had taken notice .We already have a court case that went up as far as we could take it in the UK its still there waiting for some more funds then we can take the UK gov into the courts of human rights
many thanks for the reply
paul watt
no one owns the airwaves

the airwaves

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 21:34 pm
by silentkey radio
no they don't own it, they just want to control it. And while they do control it , they don't know what to do with it. They have no understanding that grass roots, free enterprise radio will win out.

Fact. SW pirates are now left alone for the most part in the uk. oh they might come around and see where you live, they did with me five years ago. mw is similar .. it's not considered to be valuable airspace. FM is considered to be they will try to close you down. (This does not apply if you are from a seen to be deprived community and have some big rasta fuckers around to bust your head if you try to close them down) then you can go on almost every week.

So it comes down to what they think is valuable (they will bust you) and what they think is not valuable (they might leave you alone). Pirate multiplexes on DAB is the way to go.. that would really fuck them up. They couldn't even use the inteference claim could they?

case ajourned

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 23:35 pm
by paul watt
Oh well case ajourned until 16th NOV back on in essex 105.2 fm

update RMI

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 22:31 pm
by paul watt
oh well the case 16TH nov against us was dropped .But only if I would agree to a bind over this took place this week on tuesday I was bound over for £50 for a year since I last wrote essex police raided my house twice last time with 9 police all charges were dropped on the last raid .We now have permission to keep up the shortwave ariel also the FM THERE WILL BE NO MORE FM BROADCAST the only ones made were against the police for not investigating steves death .The police are looking into steves death as he was found in a bath with a snooker ball in his mouth .His house was also set on fire .I was told that there is a contract out to have me shot ha ha .The last part is that for last 10 or 11 years we have been fighting the local authorties today we won a major part ,the war is over.Trouble now is that my health is not as good as it was since I got hit by a car doing 80MPH in 1996 on the 22nd of NOV 05 I go back in hospital for another operation as my leg has started to fall to bits this is a start of many more ops to keep me on my feet .So who knows whats going to happen next
ps if Im found in the woods with a snooker ball in my mouth I did not do it too myself
73 51


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 22:38 pm
by paul watt
Sorry I forgot many many thanks to pc body the only honest police officer in essex police force as for my solictors shame on you thanks for your advice to move out of essex .Sorry you cant get rid of me that easy ask the DTI or Offcom