Spaceshuttle on 9290 lsb
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 14:34 pm
At the moment I hear RAdio Spaceshuttle on 9290kc in LSB mode, Signal fair S=6 some qrm, but sounds good.
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JoJo wrote:At the moment I hear RAdio Spaceshuttle on 9290kc in LSB mode, Signal fair S=6 some qrm, but sounds good.
That chat is marvellous! And many thanks, Alfred for online report of our fine 18000 milliwatts transmitter...alfred wrote:was talking with space in the chat
( ) and tryed to hear him, i did ,, sometimes very weak, but also sometimes sio 233
many id,, out of space. still listening in, lots of dance and trance