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Audio from US station
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 22:51 pm
Hello Jean II,
You can hear my audio :
R.FOXTROT (US) 15.3.08 22H11 UTC:
WTCR (US) 16.3.08 0H00 UTC :
Wolverine Radio (US) 16.3.08 at 1H38 UTC :
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 13:35 pm
by Jan II
Interesting this Foxtrot as I was listening to Spider that time. Pity that I didn´t switch on my old cassette recorder, it would have been interesting to listen to that minute again... Perhaps...
I am still looking for my first american pirate. A better antenna would probably help a lot. As MRF is saying "The antenna is 92% of your radio".
A big calvados Marcel, cheers
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 16:24 pm
by Foton
Hello Jan and Marcel.
I add exactly the same parts of transmission of WTCR and Wolverine received that night.
I was unable to hear Foxtrot and more WTCR due to very strong Spider Radio.
It was the first time when I heard US pirates with so good quality with 100% ID.
More on 6925 on Sat. 15 March
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 21:30 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Strange things on 6925 USB on Saturday night 15 March 2008.
ID Radio Fox-Trot (?) heard at 22.47 above music (not reduced). Again at 22.49, but it could well have been Radio Five Star. Then at 22.52, cry of Woody Woodpecker several times and a different ID several times (still not the usual Spider radio). Sorry, no recording...
Before 21.00, there was an other station, testing an amplifier? with power changing quickly from weak to strong and back several times, frequency drifting a lot for SSB, and music with bad contact. In an announcement about 20.38 I heard something like "Offshore Music Radio". Maybe an ID, or maybe just part of a sentence in approx. English ? The music choice could be from Spider R., but everything else was different. (I tuned out soon after 21.00 because of noise level and SSB traffic. I should have come back sooner).
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 21:41 pm
by ukdxer
I heard the same station as Ray on 6925usb from about 2030-2100 with what seemed to be recordings of different stations. This was also logged in America on the FRN forum.
There's a link to the post and audio clips I made on my blog under March 15.
If it was a USA pirate was very early in the evening to be logged here - in the USA it would still be mid-afternoon, and in daylight!
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 08:53 am
Salutations Ray,
Peux-tu me traduire cette phrase de ukdxer, tu as l'air de toucher en anglais c'est pas mon cas, je te remercie d'avance :
If it was a USA pirate was very early in the evening to be logged here - in the USA it would still be mid-afternoon, and in daylight!
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Je comprends qu'il demande s'il est possible d'entendre des US sur 6925 dans la journée !!!!
Si c'est celà , peux-tu lui dire que c'est pas possible, depuis le temps que j'écoute cette fréquence, je peux dire que la réception est possible à partir d'environ 22H00 UTC avec un PIC pour moi entre 23H30 et 0H30 UTC, voilà ce que j'ai remarqué, par-contre je n'ai jamais essayé entre 3HOO UTC et le levé du jour donc je ne peux pas en parler. J'ai remarqué cependant que après 2H00/3H00 UTC du matin (celà dépend des jours) le signal diminue jusqu'à disparaître. Toutes ces indications je les donnes pour un signal qui peut être compréhensible (au-moins entendre de la musique pas seulement une porteuse) effectivement il est arrivé que vers 21H10 UTC je remarque une porteuse (carrier je crois qu'on dit en anglais) donc il y a sûrement une station mais !!!!! pour moi pas valable, alors si à partir de cette porteuse le signal commence à monté c'est bon, mais parfois il n'y a que cette présemption de station et le signal disparaît.
Voilà Ray, si tu peux faire une traduction pour ukdxer et les autres, ce serai pas mal, le problème pour moi c'est l'anglais.
Je suis content que plusieurs écouteurs commencent à être attirés par l'écoute des stations US, pas facile, et souvent aucune réponse des USA ou après une très longue attente, j'attends une QSL qui m'a été promise de "This is Easy Radio" depuis 2005 et à ce jour rien, faut savoir qu'ils n'ont pas la même politique de confirmation que les Européens. Quelques stations, répondent quant même assez rapidement comme MAC, WTCR, TCS, CHANEL Z etc.....Bientôt, il y aura mes QSL des USA sur mon Site.
Bien amicalement
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 20:01 pm
by Ray Lalleu
Ohé Marcel,
If it was a USA pirate was very early in the evening to be logged here - in the USA it would still be mid-afternoon, and in daylight!
Can anyone shed any light on this?
---- Traduction :
Si c'était un pirate des USA, c'était très tôt dans la soirée pour le capter ici - aux USA, c'était encore le milieu de l'après-midi, en plein jour !
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut faire la lumière là -dessus?
---- Fin de traduction ---
Donc Ukdxer comprend parfaitement le problème. Et il y a peut-être un petit plaisantin dans cette histoire pas claire.
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:31 am
by ukdxer
Can someone translate! I'm sorry my French is not too good!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 16:33 pm
by Andy Richards
Hi UK DX'er,
Marcel was just struggling with the English in your post.He was especially interested to know what;
If it was a USA pirate was very early in the evening to be logged here - in the USA it would still be mid-afternoon, and in daylight!
Can anyone shed any light on this?
So he asked Ray to translate it,which he did,saying that you understood that this was unlikey to be a US Pirate so early in the day.Marcel thought you were asking if US Pirates could be heard during the day.
He goes on to say that in his experience US Pirates start coming in at around 2200UTC,with a peak,for him,between 2330 and 0030UTC.The signals tend to fade or fade out between 0200 and 0300UTC.He goes
on to say that he has never listened between 0300UTC and dawn and so can't comment.
Hope this helps!
Andy Richards.
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 20:24 pm
by ukdxer
Thanks Andy.
So it looks like it might not have been an American pirate but a European one.
Maybe it was Spider Radio!