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Logs week 10/2008 N-E France

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 13:47 pm
18H53 R.SPANNINGZOEKER 1646 333 20% Dutch
18H59 UNID 1646 222 10% Dutch
20H40 R.MARSKRAMER 1620 333 20% Dutch
23H10 ETHERSNUIVER 1657 333 25% Dutch

20H23 R.HAWAI 1650 434 50% Dutch
20H27 ANTONIO R. 1650 322 15% Dutch
20H38 R.METEOOR 1650 333 25% Dutch
20H43 SCHADUWJAGER 1645 434 50% Dutch
20H55 IJSVOGEL 1655 444 60% Dutch
21H10 R.MARSKRAMER 1640 343 35% Dutch

20H27 R.VIKING/Tante Foekje 1660 343 40% Dutch
21H15 The TECHNIKE MAN 1636 434 50% Dutch

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 20:40 pm
by Jan II
Hello Marcel!

Nice logs, but I have a small problem. What does these 15%, 60% etc mean. Signalstrength ??? :?

Could you Marcel or somebody else teach me here...


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 08:50 am
Hello Jean II,

The 15%, 50% yes It is specialement for Dutch station, is % of modulation.
The Dutch station in Medium Wave gave only in this format.
Of me receiver ICOM IC-729 I have normal indication in DB, and Next size down indication in pourcetage, but every receiver not one not, it is for I put in SIO and in % so that everybody understands. For example 40 % it is in SIO 343, anyway in percentage it are more just because it is a value given with an instrument and the SIO it is in the ear so celà vary from a person to the other one.
The Dutch station will be able to better explain it to you, I there more I have the problem of language, I use Translator.
Here is Jean, my friendships

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 16:40 pm
by Jan II
OK, merci Marcel!

My NRD 525 only shows the signal in DB, so I guess it´s best that I stay with the SIO or SINPO system. Actually in my own logbook at home I only use the number of O (overall). For example 2 or 2-3.

I have also noticed that my SINPO-giving is higher that other listeners when I am listening to pirates. That is because all signals are very weak here, the S-meter often doesn´t move at all, but if the noice level is low, I can still listen to stations. A correct SINPO would then be 05453 and that doesn´t look nice, so I often write it as 25452 or 35453.
I know it´s wrong but I don´t like to write SIO 053 if the S-meter shows zero and I still can enjoy the programme...

Perhaps best not to think to much, let us listen to pirates.

Thanks Marcel Mkae:friend Jan

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 19:35 pm
by Box73
MARCEL wrote:The Dutch station will be able to better explain it to you
On medium wave, Dutch stations from the past were using tube based receivers containing a so called 'cats-eye' as a signal strength indicator.
When the 'eye' was completely filled with a 'green lighting surface' this cooresponded to 100% signal strength. With no signal the eye completely 'opened' and de signal level was considered 0%. When the 'eye' was half closed it meant 50% signal strength.

Later on this 'procedure' was also used with receivers having Meters as a signal indicating aid. Full scale deflection meaning 100% signal, and the needle completely to left meaning 0%.

Overhere some stations produce signal strengths well over 100% (S9+60dB's) so it's throughout possible to use such a scaling between 0 and 100% overhere. Furthermore on medium-wave in local QSO's (besides the signal strength in %) mostly something is said about audio quality (bad, good, excellent) and audio-strength in terms of: not loud enough , OK, or too loud, resulting in distorted audio.

Short wave station are almost always using signal-strengths in dB's.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 19:40 pm
Ok Jean II,

You speak French !!! is good, me English is very Bad Hi... is use one Translator.
The signal in SIO or SINFO or SINPO etc. is only an estimation in the ear of every listener so it can vary enormously, I tend rather to note austerely, nothing replaces an little audio who allows the station listened to hear the signal as it was received really at the listener.
It is necessary not to take offence, main thing it is that one can hear the station.
My friendships and goodbye.


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 21:35 pm
by Jan II
Merci, l'amour, je t'aime... cognac..?

Those are my french words Marcel (plus some ugly ones that I don´t want to use this time), so I guess we have to try in english.

So those % come from the cats-eye, we called it magic-eye when I was a boy... I guess it is the same as signalstrength after all then.

Thanks for this information Boomi.
It would really be nice to hear a pirate
with 101% signal breaking the needle as in Boomis radio :lol:

Thank you both,


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 22:43 pm
Yes Boomi have all Time BOMBY signal ist enorme.
