RBI on air now 6300kC
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 17:53 pm
Radio Balaton on air now with two new shows! Hear them weak here in holland.
email rbishortwave@gmail.com
email rbishortwave@gmail.com
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Also recieving RBI here in the UK. Signal quite good. But lots of static from the storms nearby. Getting them S8 to 9. But static going to S30.Yes its the Chris Ise show I am hearing.Playing "How do I know",upto 9+10 now.(18:17UTC)JoJo wrote:Radio Balaton on air now with two new shows! Hear them weak here in holland.
email rbishortwave@gmail.com
I am sorry for you, indeed a Dutch pirate station, radio lowland. I gues the Dutch pirates don't have the receiver on, while transmitting and they don't look at the World Wide Web either. Glad I am not Dutch.wnkr wrote:What sounds like a Dutch station has just come on the same frequency.Terrible hetrodyne IDIOT!!