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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 20:50 pm
by Andy Richards
The weather in London this weekend was great.Blue skies,sunshine & very warm for the middle of February.
It feels like Spring.
I am tempted to say that conditions were good today.And they were,compared to what we have been used to.But as we are at the very bottom of a cycle,they can only get better.
Lots of stations heard,the strongest by a fair bit was Radio Borderhunter,great mod as usual too.
Radio Scotland was a close second for signal strength here.
After that there were very good signals from;Orion Radio,Radio Zodiac,Radio Mazda,Radio North Pole,Radio Condor,Radio Quintus & WMR.
Being an old Rocker I thought the music from Zodiac & WMR was superb.The mix of Rock & Dutch Music from Quintus was nice too.
Always nice to hear a few German stations as well.I enjoyed listening to Radio Dr.Tim talking about the Dutch radio markets.
Who was the Queen fan on 6250Khz?
WMR announced that they will be taking a break for the next few weeks.Although we will all miss their programmes,6400 is a very good channel before 1200 and this is a good chance for other stations to "Keep the frequency warm for them".I just hope that there is some "Discussion" amongst stations first and that 6400 doesn't sound like 6300 for the next few weeks!

Sunday 10/02/08

4025Khz - 0954-0959 - LHH - 35333 - Disco Music.
5815Khz - 0858-0903 - Orion Radio - 45434 - Men at Work followed by Dutch Pirate songs.
6205Khz - 0907-0912 - Radio Borderhunter - 45444 - Peter Frampton,Lulu,Europe.
6205Khz - 1033-1038 - Radio Borderhunter - 55444 - Phil Collins,UFO - Off at 1051.
6250Khz - 0923-0928 - UNID - 33333 - Queen,Queen,Queen!!! - Obviously a Queen fan!
6265Khz - 0943-0948 - UNID - 35333 - Dutch song,Buddy Holly?
6275Khz - 1234-1239 - Radio Kilohertz? - 34333 - "We love the pirate stations" - German - Mentioned
Radio Zodiac with good signal & mod.
6280Khz - 0912-0917 - Radio Caroline Eiffel - 23332 - Dance/Techno Music.
6280Khz - 1139-1144 - Radio Zodiac - 45434 - Status Quo - Off at 1217 - 100 - 150w.
6280Khz - 1218-1223 - Radio Scotland - 55434 - Report for Zodiac.Ac/Dc,"We love the pirate
6285Khz - 1135-1139 - Radio Zodiac - 45434 - Ozzy Osbourne,Black Sabbath - moved to 6280.
6290Khz - 0917-0922 - Radio Mazda - 44434 - Dutch Music.
6295Khz - 1008-1013 - Radio North Pole - 43333 - Bavarian Music? - Off at 1146.
6295Khz - 1151-1156 - Radio Dr.Tim - 33333 - Talking about stations heard & meeting Dutch MW
Pirates at radio market in The Netherlands.
6300Khz - 1145-1151 - UNID - 35433 - Rock Music.
6310Khz - 1002-1007 - Radio Condor - 44334 - Techno Music(Darude?).
6325Khz - 0943-0948 - UNID - 35333 - U2.
6325Khz - 1039-1044 - Radio Quintus - 45434 - Mix of Rock & Dutch Music.
6400Khz - 0930-0935 - WMR - 45334 - Andy Walker playing Wishbone Ash.
6425Khz - 1428-1433 - LHH - 34434 - "More mellow music with Mike Andrews" - All about Eve.
Some utility interference.
6882Khz - 1434-1439 - Radio Playback Int - 33333 - Boy George!!??(Sounded like him) playing
Disco Music.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 22:13 pm
by JoJo
Thanks Andy for the logs, much appreciated.