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Cologne calling

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 22:22 pm
by Axel
Hello, here are some logs from the last week of the year

09:30 6280 25432 Merlin?
12:30 6220 35443 Mystery with Chris Ise, always funny to hear
19:31 6310 25432 UNID with time signal at 20:00, sounded like Caroline in the eighties
19:37 4025 35433 Laser
19:40 3910 14431 WMR par with 6400, later 24432
19:40 6400 23442 WMR
20:27 3927 45433 UNID

14:30 6300 45433 Spaceman with nice show

10:06 6275 35443 Rainbow with thanks for letters from Freebird from Belgium and Zenic from Czech. Hello Freebird, where are you? I miss your logs.
10:15 6275 35443 Laser with rel program. Thank you for the answer, ukdxer.
23:00 3904 35443 Atletico, the best singer on the band beside Spaceman.

09:27 6325 33332 UNID with old British Offshore tapes in common with Paardenkracht. Sometimes one station was stronger, sometimes the other. No interference tone.
09:30 35333 FRSH in German. I listened several times, the DJ is much better than I wrote some weeks before. At 12:20 Mistery 33343 with lots of utility,
09:35 6400 35333 WMR
09:39 6420 25332 Laser
10:04 6205 45433 UNID with hl 0031623612045 and waizing for calls, talks about long distance skip
10:11 5815 45444 FRSH in English (via ORION???)
12:23 6325 34433 Paardenkracht with Meat Loaf
12:25 6305 35443 UNID with German Schlager
12:34 6260-6275 or so 25431 UNID totally overmodulated Dutch? Playing Baby baby balla balla, it seemed so
2110 3897 15421 UNID nearly unaudible, pirate?

I wish you all the best for 2008


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 22:40 pm
by freebird
Hello Axel,

thank you for the nice comment, but I prefer to listen to the free radio bands at the moment. May be I come back here next year.
Special thank to Rainbow.

To all of you all the best for 2008 from
