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Logs from South-West of France - December 29 & 30

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 20:56 pm
by Toutatis
Propagation was just correct this weekend. Very strong signal from the Free Radio Service Holland on 6220 kHz via Mystery Radio.

Saturday, December 29

0825 4025 25322 Laser Hot Hits
0853 6421 34433 Laser Hot Hits
0858 6275 34433 Laser Hot Hits
0903 6878 34433 Pirate Music
1717 3904 45434 Radio Bluestar
2015 3910 42432 Weekend Music Radio

Sunday, December 30

0800 6220 55544 Free Radio Service Holland - via Mystery Radio
0827 6210 34433 Radio 48
0833 5815 45444 Orion Radio
0850 6306 44444 Unid - tent : Radio Lowland ?
0902 5800 34433 Radio Telstar South
1017 6400 35433 Weekend Music Radio
1023 5815 35433 Free Radio Service Holland
1032 6276 25322 Radio Jingle Bells
1141 6325 35433 Paardenkracht
1159 6310 44434 Radio L'Arboc - via Radio Barretina - in Spanish
1442 6306 33443 Radio Lowland
1453 6270 44444 Radio East Coast Holland
1509 6325 35433 Radio Skyline - 1540 : end
1543 6220 55544 Mystery Radio
1554 6421 24422 Laser Hot Hits
2000 5815 44433 Free Radio Service Holland

Happy new year and good listening, by Toutatis !

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 21:07 pm
Bonsoir Toutatis,

Tu as fait une bonne chasse comme je vois.
Pour la station bizarre sur 6310 Khz, je l'ai faite cette nuit je pensais à de l'italien, le signal par contre était limite, la fréquence pour moi 6310,2 Khz. C'est sûrement la même station que la tienne, qu'en penses-tu ?



Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 21:22 pm
by Toutatis
Bonsoir Marcel,

J'ai fait écouter à mon fils, ce serait de l'espagnol. Mais est-ce vraiment une station pirate, ou un DX inattendu ?
On 6310 kHz at 1159 UTC, I think it was in Spanish, but is it really a pirate station ?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 21:29 pm
Dès que j'ai un peu de temps je reécoute l'audio, mais moi le signal était petit et pas mal de QRN, je te tiens au courant.
En ce moment Barones sur 1656 Khz.

Bonne nuit.


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 22:41 pm
by Andy Richards
Salut Toutatis et Marcel,

Je ne crois pas que la station sur 6310 etais un Pirate.Il y a des emissions
Chinois et de L'europe de l'est sur cette frequence de temps en temp et je
suis certain que c'etais quelque chose de cette genre.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 23:26 pm
by Guest
I see you are talking about 6310 station. After my logs from 29 December (2335 - 6311 and 2050 - 6309) I've received mail from operator of Radio Barretina (Catalonia/Spain) who confirmed - this was their programs. I am not able to hear such ID, but I heard "Catalonia" during today transmission. But indeed this sounds like legal station.
I wonder - maybe they relay legal Spanish station most the time?? I'm waiting for answer this question (I've sent mail).

Now I am listening this on 6310. Of course it is in Spanish.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 23:54 pm
by Andy Richards
Czesc Michal,

Interesting post.I have yet to hear a Spanish Pirate so it would be nice to hear the first one!

All I can hear right now is splatter from a Chinese or Korean station on 6300 speaking in Spanish or Portuguese(Accented) but playng Chinese or Korean Pop music.

Andy Richards.