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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 21:38 pm
by Andy Richards
Propagation was strange today.We are all used to stations fading in & out quite quickly.
But today there was an edge to that,in that most signals were mainly weaker than normal,
with some exceptions.Luckily noise levels,at least at my QTH, were down,so even fairly
weak signals were pretty clear.
WMR were audible on all three frequencies but 6400 is still best here,
rock solid till 1300.
BRI much better on 6255.
How many stations were on 6265?On for hours and the signals
got stronger as the day went on.Who were these stations?
Also curious about my UNID on 6300 playing some quality Rock music,with
a good signal for a long part of the morning.
Nice to hear "The Spaceman" back after a long break.Strongest signal of the day but even
he faded quickly after 1530.
Did anyone else here the station on 6220?Who was it?

Saturday 24/11/07

3910Khz - 1928-1933 - WMR - 43333 - Jack,playing recording of Radio Free City.Slight het.
6235Khz - 2255-2300 - KBC - 42333 - Closing down.

Sunday 25/11/07

3945Khz - 1725-1730 - WMR - 45434 - David Gray.Slight splatter from 3955Khz.
5805Khz - 0950-0955 - Telstar South? - 25433
6210Khz - 0940-0945 - Radio 48 - 25433 - Blue Oyster Cult,Python Lee Jackson,mention of
Andy Richards and played The Cult.
6220Khz - 1153-1158 - Radio Veronica? - "Man of action",Gilbert O'Sullivan.
6255Khz - 0955-1000 - BRI - 35434 - Roger,playing disco music & Offshore Echoes ad.
6265Khz - 1000-1005 - Premier Radio? - 24432 - Techno Music.
6265Khz - 1050-1055 - Radio Oskar Zulu? - 24433 - "Weak as I am","Live & let die".
6265Khz - 1125-1130 - UNID - 45434 - "Getcha rocks off".
6275Khz - 1040-1045 - Radio Underground - 35434.
6280Khz - 1105-1110 - Radio Black Power? - 45434 - Dutch.Mix of Techno & Rock music.
6290Khz - 1005-1010 - Radio Mazda - 45434 - Dutch & German music.
6300Khz - 1045-1050 - UNID - 35434 - "Magic Bus".L8R - "Stairway to heaven","The sun
goes down".
6300Khz - 1330-1335 - Radio Paadenkracht - 35434.
6300Khz - 1423-1428 - Radio Spaceman - 54444.Testing mod & aerial.
6305Khz - 1010-1015 - Radio Shadowman - 55434 - Soft Rock music.
6310Khz - 1257-1302 - Radio Malaisy - 34333 - Dance music.
6320Khz - 1314-1319 - Radio Alice? - 35434 - Trumpet instrumental,Dr.Hook - "Livin' next door to
6325Khz - 1015-1020 - Radio Waves Int - 25433 - "Girls wanna have fun".
6400Khz - 1020-1025 - WMR - 45434 - Jack,playing Foreigner & Rush.
6420Khz - 1130-1135 - LHH - 35434 - "Don't hurt me".
6430Khz - 1032-1037 - Radio Victoria? - 35433 - "Bright eyes".

Andy Richards.