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London Calling.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 21:55 pm
by Andy Richards
Conditions still strange.

After several good weeks 76m was terrible here this weekend.
48m much the same as it has been,good in the mornings but getting noisier as the day goes on & only stations with a good signal & frequency can be heard.
I am undecided about LHH’s move back to 6220.I understand the reasoning behind it but is it really much better than 6275?It won’t be if Mystery Radio return……..certainly I can now hear LHH at times when reception was not possible on 6275 but their signal is not quite strong enough here to overcome the interference on that frequency.
Antonio Radio had a pretty good signal on 6250 after the het went away.What station was causing the het?
Radio Mazda was the strongest signal of the weekend for me by miles.
A quick mention for KBC.They don’t seem to get much comment on this messageboard(Probably because they are not a real Pirate) but they really are very good at what they do.Entertaining,fast moving music shows with music for all tastes & a good old “Rock’n’Rollâ€

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:48 am
by wmrscotland
Hey Andy, thank you for the vote of confidence!! I am humbled......

We all try our best here at WMR. Sometimes frame of mind helps. I was in quite a possitive mood when recording this weeks shows, (even though they ended up being played back to front...hi)

I was struggling doing the Swinging Radio England show a few weeks ago, and of course had left it to the very last minute as usual, so it had to be recorded that night!! dont know how obvious this was on air.

Glad to know that the effort is appreciated by the good folks who still enjoy old fashioned radio. I know I still enjoy that style of radio. Andy Walker has been making some welcome contributions as well. I also very much enjoyed his TRex special.

Thank you again Andy for your kind comments.

Best Regards


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 21:54 pm
by Andy Richards
Hi Jack,

I can only say what I think.And WMR continue to put out interesting programmes week after week.
I ran a MW station in London for 6 years,on air almost every week.So I know what effort is involved in keeping that going.But I also understand the need to keep programmes fresh & interesting each week & this is also hard to do.
You guys manage to do it and I respect you for it!
Like most readers of this forum,I enjoy many different radio stations for different reasons.Some because of the personality of the presenter,others for their music etc.But what we have with WMR is a station that "delivers the goods" over and over again,every week.That is an achievement to be proud of.

Jack,I wish you & the crew at WMR the best of luck.Long may you survive!

Andy Richards.