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"VE Day, Commemoration Broadcast", on 3940 kHz ?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:40 am
by Robin Banneville
Hi Folks, :ahowy:

:?: Please can anybody confirm for me the ID of the - "VE Day, Commemoration Broadcast", on 3940 kHz, which was playing non-stop WWII music over the weekend. (7th - 8th, May). :?:

I've logged it as UNID for now, but believe that it may have been via RFL.

SIO rating varried throughout the day, logged here as being on 3939.85 kHz.

Cheers and 73's ... Robin :)

VE Day

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 21:46 pm
by Andy Richards
If this wasn't either RFL or WNKR I'd be amazed.Firstly,it is on one of their frequencies and secondly,it is completely in tune with the mood and sentiment of both stations.

Andy Richards.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:43 am
by Dave
Yes Robin you were right. It was RFL. Dont know what happened to the ID's though. I keep asking myself when we are going to air some real programmes.
next bank holiday I've been told :roll: :beerparty:

3940 RFL no longer "pres" :-)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 21:41 pm
by Robin Banneville
:pirate-great: Cheers for confirming that lads ... I can now remove the "pres" from my log entry :D

73's ... Robin \:D/