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Boomerang on 3910

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 21:32 pm
by ukdxer
Why is Boomerang on 3910?

It is same frequency as WMR. Total mess here!!!!

Re: Boomerang on 3910

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 22:01 pm
by Box73
ukdxer wrote:Why is Boomerang on 3910?

It is same frequency as WMR. Total mess here!!!!
No trace of WMR overhere. But must say Spaceman is on 3927 with a broad signal overlapping 3910 and almost overloading my receiver. However I do hear a signal on 3905.

At the moment RAI on 3910 with nice and strong signal S9+40 dB on peaks.

Informed him about WMR, he is moving to 3900.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 22:20 pm
by pjk
I do only hear one station on 3910, but signals are low, i dont know who it is. Also Spaceman on 3927 is less than normal, below s-9 all the time. The conditions are not the best tonight.

Greetings Peter J

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 22:53 pm
by Johnno
Maybe we should all chip in and buy our Dutch friends a radio. :)
To repeat something that I posted last week, WMR are on 3910EVERY Saturday from about 17:00 on 3910 until Sunday afternoon when it shifts to 3945. A signal 5kHz or less either side WILL cause problems to WMR as well as to to the offending operator. Why do it ?? :?: Even if you can't hear WMR , a quick check of the logs, esp.on UKdxer's blog ,will show which frequencies are in use. :idea:

Re: Boomerang on 3910

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 23:05 pm
by Robin Banneville
Boomi wrote:However I do hear a signal on 3905.
Probably The Bogus Man, Boomi. He was on there earlier. About 3904.1

There do seem to be a few stations walking over each other this evening on 76m. The band is getting a bit too popular.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 23:44 pm
by RadioRamona
Yes i agreed, and hard to claim a frequency in such a narrow space.
many stations want to broadcast there especialy saterday nights, and there is almost no room left.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 00:17 am
by Johnno
Ramona, I'm not sure what it is you agree with :?:
Some stations use a frequency for longer hours than others. Laser are, or were, on 24/7 and will be again. WMR use 3910 on Saturday night and Sunday morning. GET USED TO IT. Its always been the case that some stations are able to transmit for longer hours than others. Some stations only use a frequency for a couple of hours and then another op can use the channel. Thats OK, but WMR broadcast regular programs on the same frequencies EVERY weekend. If WMR were to decide to put on a flame thrower on 3910 with audio that interfered with everthing 10 kHz each side of it would you be happy because thats the way its going to go. At the moment the power is deliberatly kept lower than 6400 because it serves the intended area very well but its not beyond the capability of WMR to increase power and that would really piss off other operators on 75 mtrs.
I don't understand why an op insists on using a channel that he KNOWS is already in use. :evil:

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:37 pm
by westcoast
Why WMR use parallel 2 freq. 24 hour a day ? On 48 mtr. is enough space in my opinion for 24 hours stations,but on a narrow space on 76 mtrs there isn't , i think is uncollegal for other stations to use 3910 24 hours a day in the weekend , this band is too small for these kind of stations , they are using more than 100 watt i guess ?
understand me good ,i like that every station have his own space too transmit their programms , but when a station is on 2 freq. 24 hours a day its asking for problems on 76 mtrs , not on 48 mtrs.
and also calling that they use 3910 khz. every weekend is not true , last winter many other stations UK and Dutch etc. had use this freq. :pirateflag:

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 13:25 pm
by Johnno
This is getting tedious!!!
So what if WMR operate on 2 different bands. They cover different areas. Its not like WMR have 2 rigs on the same band.
WMR are NOT on 3910 24 hrs a day. It starts at about 17:00 moves at about 14:00 hrs the following day.
Its NOT on Friday night or Saturday until 17:00.
Why not use another channel? 3900 or 3905.
If you have read my previous post about WMR being on 3910 every weekend, I said FOR THE LAST 8 WEEKS. Westcoast, pleeze get your facts right before posting!!!
Finally, WMR have been the target of DELIBERATE jamming on both 3910 and 6400. Last night on 6400 a carrier was heard under 6400. Fortunatly it was weak so did not cause much of a problem and last week on 3910 the same. A carrier with no modulation.
How would you like it if WMR starting jumping around on channels already in use.
And since when do the Dutch decide how long a station can use a frequency?
Its obvious that however is doing this is only a troublemaker who seems intent on giving Dutch operators a bad name. Maybe you should be more concerned in finding out who he is.
Your right that space is limited on 76 mtrs. If operators were to use a proper channel e.g. 3905 instead of 3907, and restrict their audio bandwidth, them maybe it would be easier to find space to operate.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 14:54 pm
by Box73
Johnno wrote:WMR use 3910 on Saturday night and Sunday morning. GET USED TO IT.
but WMR broadcast regular programs on the same frequencies EVERY weekend. If WMR were to decide to put on a flame thrower on 3910 with audio that interfered with everthing 10 kHz each side of it would you be happy because thats the way its going to go...
If WMR is using this frequency already for weeks and weeks now, I would think it becomes time to leave this frequency and let others use it in turn. Why not leave other's also the possibility to use 3905 or 3910 ?

When all frequencies are in use between 3900 and let's say 3940. What should stations who also like to use 76 meters do. Sit on top of Spaceman ?? Or search for the most clear channel, wheater or not there is a station present.

If WMR however will increase power I am afraid another channel or station (with the lower power) will become the victim. :cry:

Too bad, but I think this is reality for the moment with the bad (local) conditions on 48 in the late evening...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 20:07 pm
by Guest
Johnno wrote: So what if WMR operate on 2 different bands. They cover different areas. Its not like WMR have 2 rigs on the same band.
As listener I am wondering where is the area where WMR has better signal on 76mb than on 48mb. I have analysed ukdxer log; let's see:

Date 3910 6400
Sat July 14 34433 54444
Sat Jun 30 54444 54444
Sat Jun 23 33433 44433
Sat Jun 16 24332 34333
Sat Jun 9 34333 34433
Sat Jun 2 34433 44433 Comment to 6400: In parallel with 3910 which is very weak at the moment
Sat May 26 34333 44433
Sat May 19 34333 54444
Sat May 12 44433 44433 Comment to 3910: Good signal here but not as strong as 6400

And some Achim's logs:

2007 07 14 24433 34433
2007 06 23 22322 34444
2007 06 02 23333 23322 Comment to 3910: Sometimes O=2 a lot of fading.Comment to 6400: After that some anorak talk, signal improving to O=3

At my location signal on 6400 is fair or good and 3910 is poor (partially because but my antenna is tuned to 48mb)

And also last logs of Toutatis:
1916 6400 44544 Weekend Music Radio
1923 3910 35333 Weekend Music Radio

So maybe it will be better to stop transmission on 76mb and add some watts to power on 48mb?? This could stop this game with hot discussion on Forum and carriers on air.
I am (like many others) WMR fan, but this is not easy to recive it in good quality. Any problems (eg. carriers) instantly causes WMR disappering.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 20:39 pm
by ukdxer
I am guessing that WMR probably has most listeners in the UK.

At the moment (2030UTC) I am listening to WMR on 3945 where the signal is S9+10dB, but there is also splash from the international station on 3955 (which is S9+40db).

There is no signal at the moment on 6400 due to fade out, so it would not matter how much power was used if the signal is skipping straight over the UK.

The problem is high-powered stations like Boomerang, Atlantis and Spaceman limit the number of frequencies that can be used on 75m because their signals splash over a wider range. If they used less power then there would be room for more stations.

If stations could broadcast at 5kHz intervals without causing interference there would be no problem! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 21:12 pm
by Guest
ukdxer wrote:
At the moment (2030UTC) I am listening to WMR on 3945 where the signal is S9+10dB, but there is also splash from the international station on 3955 (which is S9+40db).

There is no signal at the moment on 6400 due to fade out, so it would not matter how much power was used if the signal is skipping straight over the UK.
Yes it is clear. Such situations happen and always will happen due to propagation reason. But how often you are not able to hear good signal on 6400? I suppose not often, but I only guess - please correct me, if am wrong, because it is interestng. I am not able to estimate this because of my antenna type.

ukdxer wrote: The problem is high-powered stations like Boomerang, Atlantis and Spaceman limit the number of frequencies that can be used on 75m because their signals splash over a wider range. If they used less power then there would be room for more stations.

If stations could broadcast at 5kHz intervals without causing interference there would be no problem! :)
I often suffer problems from super pirate stations. I live about 1000km away from NL. What happen closer? See S-meter of Boomi:)
But they do not transmitt 24h.

Maybe pirate operators should extend used bands eg. over 6500 like Ramona does or below 5800 like Orion does?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 21:38 pm
by Johnno
Foton, there are a few locations in the UK where, esp in the afternoon and evenings when there is no sign of 6400 at all but 76 mtrs is receivable. This is important because the site is in a remote location and the output needs to be monitored. This is the reason why the power is kept down at a level that is adequate for that purpose. 6400 is considerably more powerfull and increasing it will not help at all. I would think it may be better to run higher power on 3910 and switch off 6400 all together but 6400 makes the trip across the Atlantic better I think.
Just to add that at times over the last 2 weekends, 3910 was on higher power than 6400 so its difficult to campare the signals as logged without knowing the power of the TXs at the time. Also, virtually all the logs are made in areas where 6400 is the predominant signal. Within a distance of about 350 Km of the site, 3910 is MUCH more reliable.
Maybe an arrangement can be made that WMR switch on a bit later on 75/76 mtrs or turn off for a couple of hours to let another op use the channel...I don't know.
It doesn't get away from the fact that SOMEONE is deliberatly jamming WMR for whatever purpose and no doubt is reading all this and enjoying the notoriety, the sad fool. Someone here knows who it is.

Sorry for going on a bit.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 21:50 pm
by Johnno
Just to illustrate my point, i got this email last night
"3910 good over here no rx on 6400"
This was from a friend about 320 Km from the transmitters and just now i received another email from him saying he could not get 6400 at all today but 3945 is ok. WMR have a lot of listeners who listen on portables with just the whip antenna and this is important to WMR. WMR seems to be more listener orientated than most SW free stations who like to come on for a couple of hours and play a few tunes or QSO or whatever.