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London Calling

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 21:04 pm
by Radio Floss International
A very busy radio weekend,here is what I heard this weekend;


1647 - 2224-2226 - UNID - "Dynamite" - Mud.
1656 - 2200-2205 - UNID Quite weak


6305 - 1027-1034 - Radio Mazda - Disco music - "Knock on wood"
1656 - 2348-2350 - UNID - Dutch Very weak.


6220 - 1440-1450 - Mystery Radio - Non stop disco music,no announcements.


6310 - 0945-1000 - UNID - Dutch - Quite strong.
6305 - 1030-1035 - Radio Mazda - Very strong.
6305 - 1035-1039 - Radio Boomerang - Quite strong.
6305 - 1039-1042 - Orion Radio - Weak but audible.
6305 - 1043-1048 - Skyline Radio - Quite strong.
6305 - 1049-1053 - Weak,Dutch "I hear you knocking" - Dave Edmunds,
Maybe Orion Radio.
6295 - 1135-1200 - UNID - Very strong - Ambient/Opera music.Who was
this?I'm very curious.
6290 - 1245-1300 - Delta Radio - Fairly strong.
6290 - 1300-1305 - Radio Scotland - Huge signal - strongest pirate all
weekend.Van halen first album in background.


6240 - 1045-1115 - Britain Radio Int - Quite strong at times - Good progs.

Also heard over the weekend were LHH on both 6210 & 6220 at various times,6210 was poor,9220 was good when Mystery Radio weren't interfering with them.

But broadcast of the weekend has to go to Radio Free London.A joint effort from WNKR,Swinging Radio England,Radio Underground & Crazy Wave Radio on 3940(75m),6275(48m) & 819(MW)all signals heard well at various times.Overall 3940 was the best signal here,but 6275 was actually stronger at one point.

Andy Richards.