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Loggings from Naantali, SW Finland - 24.-27.3.2005 - MW+48mb

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 16:40 pm
by Harri Kujala
Receiver: Grundig Satellit 600. Antennas: 77m "L" (MG) + 45m "L" (KG).
Times utc. Wide view of reception with code "O".
Stations are logged in order of appearence.

Thursday 24.3.2005

1674 SERBIA: Radio Romeo, Beograd. QSO with Galaxias, Greece. -1909 O=1-2+
1674 GREECE: Radio Galaxias, Greece in QSO with Romeo. They talked to have QSO also next day. O=1-2+

1708 SERBIA: tentative Radio Ju Jedan (=Ju 1). No ID but I recognize this voice now! HUGE signal! No fading! Must be 5 kW or so!! O=5!

1648 Zender Pluto. Only Dutch pirate heard on 180mb in the evenings this week! 1915- O=0-3

1660 SERBIA: Novi Studio. This name mentioned 3x and it sounded ID. -1940 O=2-3

Friday 25.3.2005

6275 Radio Free London 0930- O=0-2
6305 Radio Mazda 1520-22 O=2-3+

Saturday 26.3.2005

6305 R Boemerang 1615- O=2-4
6300 UNID talking with echo -1622 O=2-3
6305 Zender Digitaal 1623-30 O=2-4
6305 ROZ with long programme till late evening 1830- O=2-3+

Sunday 27.3.2005 -Summertime / utc-3 in Finland

6291 R Pirana International, later Radio Geronimo. Same tx? 0815- O=1-4
6300 Radio Antonio 0815- O=0-2+
6250 UNID shortly 0905- O=0-1
6238 Radio Caroline (and Big L mentioned) 0905- O=0-2+
6275 Radio Free London O=0-2
6255 Radio Centraal, Pb 73, Neede. 0910- O=0-2
6300 Nuts? Radio (can be anything) from Germany. Gave hotline 0174596979? 0918- O=0-3
6305 Radio Mazda -0912 O=1-3+
6280 UNID Dutch with echo. 1004- O=0-1
6305 Vrolijke Mijnverker 0913- O=2-4
6265 Radio Fox 48 1034- O=0-2. Radio Fox 48 had good signal here on Sunday evening 20.3.2005 around 2000utc with 25-30 W on 6305 kHz.
6302 Radio Skyline -1045 O=1-3
6304 UNID twice in QSO with Skyline but no ID. 1053- O=0-2

6258 FINLAND: R Sombrero again on air. 1324- O=1-3+
6310 Radio Malaisi 1320- O=1-3
6239 FINLAND: Someone playing old Finnish piratetapes. Sombrero? 1535- O=1-3
6269 UNID Dutch spelling address. Fast talking. -1600 O=1-2+
6305 Radio Viking from Holland 1557- O=2-3

Some notes:
Dutch MW-stations have been totally silent in the evenings past week! Two raids there within a few weeks: Radio Westerbeek and Radio Verona.

A lot of Greeks on air every evening with long programmes and QSOs. Unfortunately impossible to ID. I suppose they do not raid these stations, as some of them might be in the mountains?!!
Serbians are very often on air between 1700 - 1780 kHz with short QSOs with music. Quite rarely they come under 1700 kHz. I suppose they do not have programmes ever (or if so, they do it under 1600 kHz).

Harri Kujala
Naantali (near Turku), SW Finland ... enders.htm