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Logs 27-28/3

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:52 pm
by Guest

3940 2002- R Free London very good, now rockopera
6275 2040-2047 also Radio Free London-ID here ??? but relayed if so, not //3940. Oldies, weak. 2047
6300 2043-2053 UNID w rock-medley, Archies, No reply etc. P.O Box address at 2053, "in the Netherlands" weak
1645 2308-2332 R Euromaster (????) good for long period.Later heard in QSO. Now varied, mainly German music. "Mitilini", "In Hamburg liegt ein Segelschiff im Hafen"etc...
1680 2334-+ also later UNID Greek, mentioning Athina..
1650 2345 UNID weak, uptempo music, in spurts
3927 2353-0036 UNID, very good. Not many IDs,if anyone ? Promo for Etherpiraten, and also playing "Piraten, kijk uit !"
Over to Sunday we are now....

1645 0048 UNID "de Zender QSL" ????? QSO, at least...
1650 0050 UNID still weak,polka
1636 0059 R Barones, powerful !
1645 0103 RElectron(?),QSO Barones, QSL, Sonnenschijn,
1646 0115 R Barones now here, QSOing Tornado (van de Kroatie)
1650 0121 UNID, but QSO. Sonnenschijn ?
1645 0124 Electron. plays Romeo & Juliet + QSO
1666 0130 UNID vame up now and then. E-Europe
1618 0149 UNID, Greek music.QRM, but peaking well.

stiil Sunday, but now MESZ...

6305 1210-1230 R Mazda, was better on 6400 last Sunday
6305 1233-36 R Boemerang...I think, QSO
6305 1236-39 UNID, much weaker. QSO. "Sie hören Radio....."
6265 1242 UNID, weak,piano-disco !!!
6303 -1245 UNID, got the last words only....NL
6290 1245-1311 R Piraña Int.,a Norwegian station. Also on whip-ax.
6258 1313-1323 R Sombrero

So far this weekend...Always grateful for comments and SUGGESTIONS on UNIDS. Feel free to comment/correct/doubt whatever.

QTH Orkanger, Norway/Grensjager

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:09 am
by Guest

Dates of course 26-27/3...... SORRY!