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The log form 12 - 13 may 2007

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 12:45 pm
by pjk
12/5 Saturday
2221 Weekend Music.R 3910 khz 24232, rock-mx
2225 R.Spaceman 3927 khz 55545, 9+25 db, pop-mx, oldies
1700 R.Cobra ? 6311 khz 33322, Dutch-mx, oldies, at 1835 very strong SIO 555
1840 Weekend Music.R 6400 khz 32332, oldies

13/5 Sunday
0022 Weekend Music.R 3910 khz 24333, rock-mx
0025 WNKR 3940 khz 14221, EE, music
0030 UNID 6275 khz 33222, EE, oldies
0033 Weekend Music.R 6400 khz 43333, EE, talking about R.Caroline etc…

Good conditins this weekend but i was really not listening so much. There was other things occupying my time, and the ESC in Finland on the TV the whole sunday evening. Anyway this is what i have heard on the bands. Spaceman had a great signal as usual, also there was for me a new Dutch station called R.Cobra on 6311, he had a very strong later in the sunday evening.

Greetings, Peter J
___________________________________________________ skype:peterjk62