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Logs: week 19 2007 from SW-Finland

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 16:37 pm
by Jari

Not much time for listening. Lot's of work during weekend.
It was nice to hear Radio Morningstar and his C&W show for the first time.
It's soon the time to start sailing season again 8) but less time for DX-ing. :cry:

All times in UTC.

Monday 07.05.2007

3945 19:00 25232 WNKR
5805 17:45 25232 R. Telstar South
6220 18:05 43343 Mystery R.
6310 17:40 44444 R. Alice

Tuesday 08.05.2007

3945 19:25 24232 WNKR?
6220 18:30 42332 Mystery R.
6400 18:11 33333 Weekend Music R.? Pop, no ann.

Wednesday 09.05.2007

6220 18:46 42332 Mystery R.
9290 19:30 44433 R. Mi Amigo

Thursday 10.05.2007

3925 20:00 15131 R. Morningstar
3927 20:15 44333 Cupid R.
5805 20:46 25232 R. Morningstar

Sunday 13.05.2007

6270 19:14 33333 R. Zeelandia
6308 20:56 34333 R. Pirana Int.
6310 20:38 32322 UNID, Pop
6400 19:02 32332 Weekend Music Radio

rx: Icom IC-735
ant: 1/2 wave dipole for 48 mb.



Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 17:08 pm
by Guest
hallo jari

thanks for the logs

Greetings,s :lol: